A Supplements that is comparable to Cardarine GW501516 and alternative available over the counter. Cardalean is a cutting SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator). It is right for you, should you use it and how does it compare to other similar fat loss pills?

Legal Cardarine GW501516 alternative
No safety issues
Comparable results to steroids
Orally taken (no injections)
Stimulant free
Official website exclusively sells
Not available in some countries (check website)
SARMS are big – move over steroids. If you want a cutting supplement that can give you results without sacrificing safety then Cardalean is a must.
CARDALEAN is a natural and legal alternative to Cardarine, a muscle and performance enhancer used by bodybuilders. CARDALEAN targets fat cells, increases endurance and promotes extreme vascularity.
Available from the official BrutalForce website – special offers and promo’s are in effect.
The website has been translated into French, German, Italian and Spanish. You can also pay in Canadian $, Australian $ and UK £. There are coupon codes for BrutalForce running from time to time usually displayed at the bottom of the order page
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What is CardaLean
CardaLean is a dietary supplement that functions as an extreme fat burner and endurance enhancer. It was developed for people who want a safe alternative to Cardarine (GW501516).
Cardarine is an experimental drug that’s popular with athletes. It’s a bodybuilding favorite that’s often grouped with SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators).
SARMs are experimental drugs that function in a similar way to steroids.
However, they are generally believed to be less dangerous because they only bind with the androgen receptors in muscle and bone.
Steroids are less “selective.” They bind with all androgen receptors. This is one of the reasons steroids have so many side effects.
Although it is a common addition to SARM cutting stacks, Cardarine is not a SARM. It’s a peroxisome proliferator-activator-receptor delta agonist (PPARo) that was developed during the early 1990s as a treatment for certain types of tumors.
Trials of the drug were stopped in 2007 after several years of study revealed it has too great a potential to cause harm.
The research also reveals Cardarine’s significant abilities as a performance enhancer and fat burner. Its ability to burn fat while also protecting existing muscle mass make it especially attractive to bodybuilders and fighters.
Many athletes including the heavyweight boxer Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller have received sanctions for using Cardarine.
There is a big demand for a safer, more acceptable alternative to Cardarine, and CardaLean is widely acknowledged as being the leading substitute. The combination of plant extracts and amino acids it provides delivers Cardarine-like benefits without presenting the same risks to health.

Who Makes CardaLean?
CardaLean is manufactured and distributed by Muscle Club Limited. It’s part of the company’s Brutal Force range of supplements. It’s one of the most popular bodybuilding brands.
Muscle Club Limited is a British company that produces its supplements in FDA-approved facilities in the USA and ships them worldwide.
Muscle Club Limited is a reputable company that offers a 100-day money-back guarantee, along with an excellent level of customer service via email, telephone, and online chat.
Other SARMs in the range include OstaBulk a substitute version of Ostarine and RadBulk a A legal replacement to RAD 140. Ligabulk is a bulking SARM based on Ligandrol LGD-4033.
Main Benefits and Selling Points
CardaLean provides the following Cardarine-like benefits:
- Explosive energy
- Enhanced endurance
- Extreme fat burning and muscle protection
- Improved vascularity
CardaLean Ingredients at a Glance
Each (3-capsule) serving of CardaLean provides:
- Wild Yam Root (750 mg)
- Panax Ginseng (375 mg)
- L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (150mg)
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine (75mg)
- L-Citrulline (75 mg)
- Puncture Vine (37.5 mg)
How Good Is the CardaLean Formulation?
There are only six ingredients in CardaLean and all of them are good. Unlike a great many bodybuilding supplements, this one isn’t carrying any dead weight.
Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients one by one.
Wild Yam Root (750 mg)
In addition to being a food, wild yam is also a popular medicinal herb. Most supplements that provide it contain extracts taken from the roots.
Wild yam is often used as a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis and some women find it helps reduce the symptoms of menopause.
Much of wild yam’s medicinal value is due to a plant chemical called diosgenin. It’s a precursor to several important hormones. Testosterone is one of them. An excellent addition to the Cardalean formula.
Testosterone is an important androgen hormone and steroid. It’s as important for muscle growth as it is for healthy sexual function because it’s a key player in protein synthesis.
Many athletes take steroids and SARMs because they act like super-potent versions of testosterone.
Instead of trying to replace testosterone, supplements that provide wild yam enhance protein synthesis by boosting testosterone production.
Rather than messing with nature, they help the body do what it would normally do but do it more efficiently.
In addition to aiding protein synthesis, testosterone also boosts vitality and supports fat loss.
Panax Ginseng (375 mg)
Ginseng is one of the most famous aphrodisiacs in the world. It’s also one of the most important Chinese healing herbs and is associated with so many life-improving capabilities it’s generally considered somewhat of a cure-all.
There are several varieties of ginseng but Panax ginseng has the greatest potency so it’s good to see that’s the form being used in Cardalean.
Ginseng is an adaptogen. Herbs of this nature offer protection from physical and mental stress. Some of them, and ginseng in particular, also boost energy so it’s a good inclusion for a supplement that aims to help you improve the way you train.
Many of ginseng’s virtues are due to compounds called ginsenosides. Research shows one of the things they do is increase plasma, total, and free testosterone. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9063034/)
L-Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate (150mg)
Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) provides the amino acid L-arginine as an easily absorbable salt.
AAKG boosts nitric oxide (NO). Supplements that do this are known as NO boosters.
AAKG and similar NO boosters enhance vasodilation. This is a process that relaxes the blood vessels, improving circulation.
By improving circulation, AAKG helps the muscles get extra oxygen and nutrients. This enhances training capability by delaying lactic acid build-up. A great inclusion in Cardalean’s cutting SARM pill.
Lactic acid forms in the muscles during exercise. When it builds up it causes the pain that makes further exercise impossible. (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-does-lactic-acid-buil/)
AAKG doesn’t stop the build-up but it does delay it helping you to train harder and get better results.
By getting extra nutrients to the muscles, AAKG can also enhance muscle growth but, needless to say, you need to make sure your diet is sufficiently nutrient-rich.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (75mg)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a popular supplement ingredient that provides the body with extra L-carnitine.
L-carnitine is an amino acid your body uses to build muscle. In addition to being a building block of muscle, L-carnitine also functions as a performance enhancer. It helps your body to burn extra fat too. It’s a busy bee.
Unlike certain other ingredients that help you to burn fat, L-carnitine helps you to lean up without losing muscle. That ability alone makes it a perfect choice for the CardaLean formulation but it gets better.
L-carnitine also supports improvements in testosterone. Research proves its ability to support fat loss while also increasing muscle mass. The same research shows L-carnitine also reduces fatigue. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872767/)
L-Citrulline (75 mg)
L-Citrulline is another good inclusion. Like AAKG, it’s an NO booster so the two ingredients should work well alongside each other.
Puncture Vine (37.5 mg)
Although you may not be familiar with the name “puncture vine”, if you already have prior experience with bodybuilding supplements you will probably be familiar with this ingredient’s botanical name. It’s Tribulus terrestris.
Tribulus terrestris is a medicinal herb that’s popular in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine.
Herbalists use Tribulus terrestris to treat a variety of ailments including ones relating to sexual function. The herb has a longstanding reputation as an aphrodisiac.
Not surprisingly, Tribulus terrestris is a key ingredient in many male potency boosters and Viagra substitutes. It’s also present in an untold number of bodybuilding formulations.
The herb’s value in both areas is the result of its ability to boost testosterone.
Correct Way to Use CardaLean – Guidelines and Considerations

The dose is three CardaLean capsules, taken once each day. The best time to take CardaLean is 20 minutes before eating breakfast. You take it daily, regardless of whether or not it’s a training day.
As with similar options, including SARMs, you need to use CardaLean alongside a suitable diet and regular training.
To get the maximum benefit, you need to use the supplement for at least two months. You can use it for longer if you wish but it’s best to stick to a cycle of eight weeks on followed by 1 1//2 weeks off.
If you have experience using SARMs you may be used to using them in a stack. You can do this with CardaLean too.
Although there is nothing to stop you from building your own Brutal Force stack, there is no need to do so. CardaLean is one of four supplements included in the Brutal Force Ripped Cutting Stack.
It’s also part of the trio of supplements in the Goliath Strength Stack.
Who Can Use CardaLean – Suitability Precautions
CardaLean is suitable for most people but women who are pregnant or nursing a child should not use it without checking with a doctor first.
People who have existing health issues or would need to use the supplement alongside medication would be wise to seek medical advice too.
CardaLean may also be unsuitable for people who have certain food allergies. A warning on the bottle states the supplement if manufactured using machinery that may also process milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.
CardaLean Side Effects
CardaLean does not have any known side effects.
Buying Options (Where to Get CardaLean and What It Costs)
You can only buy CardaLean from the Brutal Force website. It’s possible to buy it as a standalone product or as part of a stack.

At the time of this review, CardaLean cost $59 per bottle. Customers who buy two bottles get a third bottle free.
The site also offers regular flash sales. When one of these is running, it’s generally possible to get a further discount of up to 20%. The Cardalean coupon codes usually are detailed on the bottom on the website.
Does CardaLean Have a Guarantee?
CardaLean has a 100-day money-back guarantee.
Review Conclusion (Is CardaLean Worth the Money?)
CardaLean is a very impressive bodybuilding supplement produced by a reputable supplier. Thanks to the presence of several very credible ingredients, it should be able to do everything the Brutal Force website says it will.
If you are seeking a good Cardarine alternative, we recommend this one 100%. The formulation is first-rate, as is the money-back guarantee.
No it is not a steroid or a banned substance. Although It has the ability to cut fat from your body on cutting cycles it contains natural ingredients
Yes absolutely.There is nothing in the formula that would prevent a woman from using this SARm for cutting and fat reduction.
Yes you can use in tandem with other supplemenets.