If you are susceptible to caffeine and other stimulants your choice of fat burning supplement is rather limited. LeanMode is stimulant free – and one of your choices. How do we rate it? – Read the review.

Made by respectable company.
Good Ingredient profile.
Well priced.
Mixed customer reviews.
Key ingredients missing.
Stimulant free fat burners are never going to deliver the fat burning results their stronger counter do. Having said that LeanMode is decent supplement from a respectable company. If you are susceptible to caffeine you could do a lot worse than buy this.
If you aren’t a sensitive soul then PhenQ should be your fat burner of choice
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Evlution LeanMode Review
LeanMode is a stimulant free fat burner developed and distributed by Evlution Nutrition. The company is based in Florida and all its products are manufactured in FDA registered facilities in the USA.
Evlution Nutrition was founded in 2012 by retired BMX pro, Mike Spinner. The company launched its first product the following year and presently boasts a wide range of health and fitness supplements that includes amino acids, testosterone boosters, and pump enhancers.
The thing to know about LeanMode is there are two versions. One is a powder and it comes in a tub. The other is a capsule version and Evlution Nutrition sell it by the bottle.
Although the powder and capsules bear the same name and contain exactly the same ingredients, they cannot really be considered the same product. The inclusion rates are completely different.
The powder contains double the amount of some ingredients and significantly less of others. Due to the staggering differences in inclusion rates, the potential benefits and side effects will not be the same. Each one will need to be evaluated separately.
This is a review of LeanMode capsules. The observations and inclusions presented cannot be seen as being equally applicable to LeanMode powder.
What Are the LeanMode Benefits?
According to Evlution Nutrition customers who combine use of the pills with proper diet and exercise can expect additional support in six areas:
- Appetite control
- Metabolism
- Weight management
- body composition
- Energy
- Antioxidant levels

So What Does All This Mean?
Any attempt to lose weight presents certain problems. As with any other diet pill on the market, LeanMode exists to help make those problems go away.
The first problem dieters face is hunger. That one is a biggie. Any dieter who allows hunger to control them is not going to get far.
Unfortunately, hunger is a very distracting sensation. Resisting the urge to appease it can be a tortuous experience. That’s why so many dieters give in, give up, and get nowhere.
If LeanMode can provide the necessary appetite control, weight loss will become easier.
Overcoming hunger is only half the battle. Sticking to an energy-restricted diet is a great way to force your body to burn fat. However, the same calorie deficit that enables this also causes fatigue.
Most diet pills combat diet-related fatigue by providing caffeine and/or other stimulants. LeanMode is a stimulant-free fat burner so it’s going to have to provide energy in another way.
Apart from (hopefully) combating these two negative aspects of dieting, LeanMode is also designed to provide additional benefits.
The main one is a faster metabolism. A faster metabolism burns more calories. That can be a big help to anyone who is trying to lose weight.
Evlution Nutrition doesn’t explain what it means by “body composition”. It may suggest the company believes the formulation may improve muscle mass.
Nor does Evlution Nutrition mention why antioxidant support is worthy of mention. In fact, the company doesn’t provide much information about LeanMode at all.
However, antioxidants boost the immune system and help protect the body from disease. So, if the capsules are providing them, at least it’s a good thing.

LeanMode Ingredient Profile and Blend Evaluation
Each (3 capsule) dose of LeanMode provides:
- Garcinia Cambogia – 500 mg
- Green Coffee Bean Extract – 500 mg
- Green Tea Extract – 250 mg
- Acetyl L-Carnitine – 500 mg
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)- 500 mg

Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit. The rind of the fruit contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This is the all-important chemical that puts much of the “super” in this popular superfruit.
A lot of people believe the ingredient only has value as an appetite suppressant. This is not the case. The HCA provided by garcinia cambogia extracts also prevents and reduces abdominal fat accumulation [SOURCE]
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid. Roasted coffee beans don’t because the heat from the roasting process destroys it.
Chlorogenic acid is an antioxidant. It also regulates blood glucose levels and inhibits the absorption of dietary fats. This versatile chemical is also associated with numerous other health benefits. Furthermore, research shows it has the potential to reduce body fat. [SOURCE]

Green Tea Extract
Green tea is another ingredient that is rich in antioxidants. In fact, it has dibs at being the most healthy weight loss ingredient in the world. Green tea supports weight loss by increasing calorie expenditure and thermogenesis.
Lots of studies support the use of green tea for fat loss. One clinical trial is particularly interesting because it suggests the benefits may last for 24 hours.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
An amino acid that helps provide the body with energy. Not surprisingly, Acetyl L-Carnitine is often used as a performance booster in sports supplements and pre-workout formulations.
In addition to its other merits, Acetyl L-Carnitine also supports faster recovery after exercise. That’s one of the reasons it’s often added to bodybuilding supplements. The other one is it protects against muscle loss. [SOURCE]

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
CLA is a fatty acid that’s naturally-occurring in beef and dairy products. It’s not one of the most potent fat burners available, but researchers have ascertained it’s value as a weight loss aid.
How to Use Evlution Nutrition LeanMode
Only two doses are required per day. That’s three capsules 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast and a further three capsules 30 to 60 minutes before dinner.
LeanMode Customer Comments
Some customers say the product is a winner, but others say no go.
A few randomly-chosen customer comments read:
“This is working well for me. I’m amazed at how thin I’m looking after just 8 weeks..”
“Maybe it’s my metabolism or maybe I’ve been conned. All I know is these pills are doing zilch for me.”
“I’ve been taking this product for 9 weeks and watching what I eat. So far I’ve lost 17lbs and am content the pills are doing their job.”
“My idea was to use this in place of my usual fat burner. I thought it may work better. My gym routine is the same and my diet has not changed. I was losing weight slowly before. Since the switch, I’ve gained a few pounds back. It’s a garbage product.”
“My appetite is not much different, but I do appear to be losing a little weight. It’s a slow process but I’ve started going swimming a few times a week and I’m sure that helps too.”
“Wow! six pills a day! That’s all it takes. Just six little, pills and you can feel the disappointment too. Try it you’ll see. Better still don’t try this crap. Buy something else instead. You may have better luck. LeanMode doesn’t work.”
Reported Side Effects
No side effects have been reported but LeanMode is not intended for anyone who has pre-existing medical problems. Nor is it suitable for women who are pregnant, nursing, or hoping to become pregnant.
Evlution Nutrition says the product is unsuitable for under 18s as well.
Cutting to the chase, what the company is trying to say is, unless your health is good, LeanMode isn’t for you.
Where to Buy LeanMode
As with all Evlution Nutrition products, you can buy LeanMode via the company website. Many independent online stores have the product as well. Buying via GNC, Walmart, and Amazon is also an option.
There are three packs sizes, including a 10 serving trial size. However, the 30-serving bottle appears to be the most popular option. In fact, it’s the only size available via some suppliers.
The price for a 30 serving bottle is around $20 if you buy directly from the official site (price correct at the time of this review). It can be a little more or less when purchasing via other suppliers.
LeanMode is not one of the more expensive fat burners on the market. However, it’s not as cheap as it may appear. Most competing products are sold in bottles that provide a 30 day supply of pills.
Thirty servings of LeanMode is only a 15-day supply because two servings are required per day. Be aware of that before going all googley eyed over the price.
Evlution Nutrition does not provide a money back guarantee. The company makes that very clear via its returns policy which states in no uncertain terms: “ALL SALES ARE FINAL”.
It may bend the rules a little for items that have been damaged in transit, but that’s the only exception. So if you buy LeanMode and then find it doesn’t work you will have to chalk it up to experience.
Is Evlution Nutrition LeanMode Worth Buying?
The ingredient formulation looks good on paper, but LeanMode is not one of the better fat burning options available. Granted, it beats a lot of competing products on price, but it’s unlikely to beat the better ones on results.
Although plenty of customers say it works, many say that it does not. Cheap or not, that’s a problem for any product that is not backed by a guarantee.
So, how can a product that contains good ingredients possibly not work? There could be many reasons for this. The most obvious one is a failure to use it in association with a calorie-restricted diet. That’s a failing that can scupper any diet though—with or without supplementary support.
In the case of LeanMode, it could be due to a design flaw. The pills are designed to be taken with breakfast and dinner. That’s a long period between the two doses. The effects of the product are likely to be weak or non-existent during the middle of the day.
Then again, it could be the ingredient quality is not as good as it should be. LeanMode is a little cheaper than many other options. There may have been some corner cutting along the way.
It’s also worth noting the fact that, when it comes to appetite suppression, garcinia cambogia is pretty much going it alone. Hunger is a diet killer, so that could be the problem as well.
The bottom line is, LeanMode seems to work for some people, but not for others and it has no guarantee. That’s makes it a gamble. The odds of success are much better with some of the other options available.
Recommended Alternative: Our top rated fat burner is PhenQ. It is suitable for both men and women and can be used as a weight loss pill for anyone wanting to lose body weight. Or it can be used as fat burner or fat loss supplement to remove excess body fat.