Fit 9 Fat Loss Support has many strings to its bow – it is a natural fat burning supplement, also helps reduce fluid retention and reduce cellulite. It is suitable for both men and women. Read our review to see if it is worth buying and how compares to other fat burners

Ingredients are pretty good.
Some customer have left positive reviews.
Not expensive.
Some fake reviews (possibly).
A few side effects.
Not often in stock.
It is a great looking brand let down by the actual results and possible side effects.
It is a big seller on Amazon and eBay. It is also available to buy direct from the Sascha Fitness website.
It is available fo delivery in USA, UK, Canada, Australia as well as many Spanish speaking and Latin American countries.
If you want my opinion PhenQ fat burner is a superior fat burner – it is gimmick free, extremely powerful but completely safe. It can also block fat and suppress appetite. It is suitable for men and women.
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Fit 9 Fat Loss Support Review
Fit 9 is a fat burner.
It’s intended to be unisex but appears to be more popular with women.
That’s not surprising because Fit 9 offers a few extra whistles and bells that are unlikely to be appealing to the average guy.
In particular, Fit 9 is a fat burner that aims to help you synthesize extra collagen.
So, among other things, it’s a diet pill that’s meant to be good for your skin. A kind of weight loss come beauty product? No wonder guys are not lining up at the door.
According to the manufacturer’s website…
Fit 9 contains nine amazing ingredients that accelerate metabolism and manipulate your hormones and help you lose more weight still.
Manipulating hormones? That can be a tricky thing. In this case, the attempt may have backfired because some women say Fit 9 interfered with their normal menstrual cycles.
There’s actually a discrepancy you need to know about.
Although the manufacturer’s website says Fit 9 contains nine ingredients, the label on the bottle states it contains 10.
Mistakes like that are not confidence building. When you see something like that, you have to ask yourself what other mistakes may have been made.
One of the other things this fat-burning skin-care product aims to do is reduce water retention so it contains some diuretics.
Diuretics and never a good thing to see in a weight loss product. Their presence only serves to confuse.
Diuretics cause the body to lose water. They pull it out of your body tissue and send it straight to your pee.
If you pee enough water away, you get lighter. This can create the illusion of rapid weight loss. It does nothing to your body fat though. You need to know that. You also need to be aware the moment you stop taking diuretics the water comes back. So does the weight.

Who Makes Fit 9?
Fit 9 is distributed by Sascha Fitness. The company is owned by Sascha Barboza. She’s a personal fitness trainer and Instagram celebrity with more than 3.5 million followers.
You’ve only got to look at pictures of her to see she knows how to take care of herself. That girl is looking goo-oo-ood! It’s also worth noting she has a Masters Degree in Nutrition.
Sascha originally only offered a line of protein powders. Fit 9 is her first attempt to move into the weight loss market. It’s hardly a runaway success, but many customers admit to buying Fit 9 on the strength of the positive experiences they had with Sascha’s protein powders.
Sascha gets a lot of love. She’s got an army of fans who don’t appear to want to put her Fit 9 fat burner down. However, if you take the time to read what reviewers are saying beneath many of those four and five-star ratings, you’ll discover the Fit 9 formulation leaves a lot to be desired.
What are the Fit 9 Benefits?
- Fat loss
- Less fluid retention
- May lift the mood
- Helps reduce cellulite
- Helps your body synthesize more collagen
What are the Ingredients in Fit 9?
Fit 9 fat burner contains 10 ingredients, eight of which are included as a proprietary blend.
The full dose (4 capsules per day) provides:
- Ascorbic acid (300mg)
- Potassium Citrate (100mg)
Fit 9 Powerful Fitness Blend (2,310 mg)
- 7-Keto Dhea
- Dandelion root extract
- Uva Ursi Extract
- Gotu kola extract
- Gingko bilboa extract
- Diindolylmethane
- Green Tea Extract
- L-Theanine
What Do the Ingredients Do?
Ascorbic acid (300 mg)
Ascorbic acid is sometimes put in supplements because it provides Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is water-soluble vitamin that’s lost from the body easily. It’s unclear why Sascha is using this ingredient. Her site doesn’t say, but it may be to help prevent the diuretics in Fit 9 from flushing too much of Vitamin C away.
Potassium Citrate (100 mg)
This is a salt that’s made by dissolving potassium compounds in citric acid. Potassium citrate is also known by the E-number (E332). What’s it doing in Fit 9? Again, I can only speculate, but it’s probably present because diuretics decrease potassium levels in the blood.
A lack of potassium is undesirable because the body uses it as a neurotransmitter. If your body lacks potassium, you may start to feel weak and fatigued.
Fit 9 Powerful Fitness Blend (2,310 mg)
Well, what’s happening here? We know what we’ve got but we don’t know how much. Such is the magic of proprietary blends.
On the one hand, proprietary blends can be good for stopping rival manufacturers from stealing clever formulations. On the other hand, they can hide a wealth of sins such as overuse of cheap and useless ingredients combined with a lack of respected ones that can get the job done.
7-Keto Dhea
7-Keto DHEA is a non-hormonal byproduct that comes from DHEA. Your body produces it in the adrenal gland and the brain.
Sascha Fitness has a lot of good things to say about 7-Keto Dhea and touts its value in several areas.
However, although there is evidence that suggests 7-Keto Dhea may be capable of boosting metabolism, there’s something you need to know. Especially if you are a competing athlete. 7-Keto Dhea is banned by the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA).
Dandelion Root Extract
This common-all-garden ingredient is surprisingly nutritious to eat. It’s also an extremely popular diuretic. Dandelion is a good natural remedy for water retention. Don’t doubt it.
Nevertheless, for reasons already mentioned earlier in this review, dandelion extract and weight loss formulations are not an ideal mix.
Uva Ursi Extract
The Uva ursi extracts in supplements come from the leaves of the plant. The extracts appear to have a few capabilities, but uva ursi is included in Fit 9 because it’s a diuretic.
It’s also worth being aware uva ursi provides a prebiotic fiber (inulin) that is good for feeding the probiotic bacteria in your gut.
Gotu Kola Extract
A herb from the parsley family. Gotu kola is a popular medicinal herb that’s favored by traditional healers all over the world.
Gotu kola is in Fit 9 to boost collagen growth. Research suggests it may have value in this regard. There’s also evidence gotu kola may be good for fighting cellulite too.
Gingko Bilboa Extract
Gingko bilboa extract comes from the tree of the same name. The extract is high in antioxidants that fight free-radical toxins and help keep you in good health.
Gingko bilboa also has the ability to relax the blood vessels and improve circulation. Better circulation offers many benefits and may have the potential to reduce cellulite.
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is an ingredient you can get by eating cruciferous vegetables. It’s in Fit 9 to act as an estrogen modulator.
Low estrogen may cause weight gain. Especially in the areas around the hips and thighs.
However, using DIM as an estrogen modulator is a controversial step. Although some experts consider it an estrogen blocker, others say it may mimic estrogen. The fact that there is such difference of opinion about it’s relationship to estrogen makes DIM a questionable inclusion.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea is good. It promotes good health and helps you to burn fat. Most diet pills contain a dose of green tea, but the extract Sascha Fitness is using is 50% caffeine.
That’s not normal for green tea so, in this case, the presence of green tea may cause more problems than it solves.
High doses of caffeine may cause jitters, headaches, nausea, and/or other unpleasant side effects. That’s not good. Especially when Sascha Fitness is not disclosing how much green tea/caffeine is in use.
L-theanine is an amino acid that’s naturally occurring in green tea. It’s good for calming the mind and improving focus and concentration. L-Theanine also reduces stress.
How Do I Use Fit 9?
You take two capsules each morning and two more during the afternoon. The best thing to do is to take both doses alongside a meal.
For best results, you will also need to stick to a low-calorie diet and, preferably, make a commitment to moderate exercise.
Are There Any Fit 9 Customer Reviews?
There are many customer reviews and the majority of them are very good. However, I’m seeing a lot of reviews that have been placed by people who appear to want to show their love of Sascha instead of evaluating the product on what it can do.
It’s amazing how many people are awarding Fit 9 full marks when they have been taking the pills for less than a day. If you take the time to check the Amazon reviews for yourself, you will also notice a lot of people say Fit 9 gives them a headache and then rate it five out of five anyway. That’s just crazy.
Crazier still, bearing in mind the claims made for this product, some women who dish out a five-star rating admit the Fit 9 failed to help them lose weight.
A Positive Review

A Negative Review

Does Fit 9 Have Any Known Side Effects?
Apparently side effects are a distinct possibility. Although some customers appear to be able to use Fit 9 without issue, many others complain of anxiety, headaches, and other unpleasant side effects.
The lack of inclusion rates makes it impossible to know, but I’m betting the caffeine content is too high. However, several women complain the product messed up their periods. One lady even feared she was pregnant.
Needless to say, side effects of this nature are unlikely to be attributable to high doses of caffeine, so there must be other problems with the formulation as well.
If you are thinking of using Fit 9, do yourself a favor and get some advice from your doctor before you do.
Where Can I Buy Fit 9 and How Much Does It Cost?
You can buy Fit 9 directly from the Sascha Fitness website. The other alternative is to order Fit 9 via Amazon. Buying diet pills from Amazon is often the cheapest way to go but, in this case, the price is the same.
So how much does a bottle of Fit 9 normally retail for? Forty-five dollars will buy you a 30-day supply of pills. That’s a little cheaper than any of the best diet pill brands, but is it a bargain? It could be if the pills deliver the goods but customer reviews don’t exactly blow me away.
Neither does the formulation. When I look at the odd combination of ingredients I’m seeing mongrel, not pedigree.
Is There a Guarantee?
Sascha Fitness fails to offer a money-back guarantee.
Will Fit 9 Help Me to Lose Weight?
We know what the ingredients are in Fit 9 but not how much of each one is there. That’s annoying. The ratio of ingredients is important.
It’s possible the formulation may help you to burn a few extra calories per day. However, if the pills are heavy on dandelion and Uva Ursi, the main thing they’ll do is help you pee more often and lose water.
A number of customers say using this product caused them to urinate more. That being the case, the amount of diuretics it provides must be quite high.
That’s going to be excellent if you have a problem with water retention. Not so good if you are using Fit 9 because you want to burn fat and lose weight.
And how about customer response? A lot of the reviews are hard to figure and even harder to trust. They certainly don’t make want to rush out and buy Fit 9 and give it a try.
One reviewer awards the product four out of five stars. Then she admits she never weighs herself so she has no idea if she’s lost weight. What are the four stars for, customer service?
To make matters even worse, the same reviewer goes on to say Fit 9 gave her headaches.
I review a lot of weight loss products and I’ve read a helluva lot of customer reviews. Up until this point, I’ve never seen customer reviews that point out problems with a product and combine the comments with a high rating.
Can you lose weight with Fit 9? If you do decide to buy it, you’d best hope that it works. If it doesn’t there is no refund and no guarantee.
Recommended Alternative: Our preference is for PhenQ – a natural multi purpose diet pill that can help you lose weight in multiple ways. We would recommend PhenQ over and above Fit 9.