If want to know if Modere Trim can help you lose weight and improve your skin this Modere Trim review is for you. Find out how it works, what is in it and what customer say.

Reputable company
Some level of weight loss
Contains CLA
Can be expensive
MLM sales not our favorite
Unusual ingredients
Mixed customer reviews
Judging by the volume of Modere Trim reviews on the web it is very popular product. There are mixed reviews good and bad it has to be said.
If weight loss is main objected we highly recommend using a dedicated weight supplement – PhenQ fat burner is a great example.
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What is Modere Trim
Modere Trim is a supplement made in Utah by Modere. With a price tag of just under $100, it’s unusually expensive but Modere distributes a lot of its products via multi-level marketing (MLM). Products that come from MLM companies are often expensive. This is nothing new.
According to the manufacturer, Modere Trim is the first supplement that inhibits fat storage, improves muscle tone, and reduces fat cell formation while also restoring youthful skin.
There could be some truth in that. Although lots of supplements have the potential to improve muscle tone while also providing the aforementioned weight loss benefits, Modere Trim may be the only supplement that’s designed to do these things and provide skin improvements as well.
Whether or not this is a combination of benefits the average person will require is questionable but Modere Trim could certainly be seen as an innovative product.
Modere Trim breaks from the norm in another way as well. Most supplements are pills. Modere Trim is a liquid. However, it has little in common with diet drops or those powders you mix with water and drink.
Modere Trim is an oil-based supplement you take from a spoon. It provides CLA in combination with a proprietary ingredient extracted from chicken carcasses.
CLA is a popular supplement ingredient. Most manufacturers provide it in gel-type capsules that hold the liquid inside.
That’s not a bad idea because CLA doesn’t taste pleasant.
Not surprisingly, Modere provides Trim in several flavor choices including vanilla and chocolate. However, there are still plenty of people who say it tastes foul. Perhaps that’s not surprising bearing in mind the other ingredient (chicken sternal cartilage extract).
What are the Benefits of Modere Trim?
Modere claims daily use of the supplement will provide several benefits.
- Supports fat metabolism
- Inhibits cellular fat storage
- Supports reductions in fat cells
- Improves muscle tone and fitness
- Restores youthful skin
- Supports healthy hair, nails, gums, and eyes
- Supports joint and connective tissue health
How Do I Use Modere Trim?
The dose is one tablespoon (15 ml) of Modere Trim per day. Morning is the best time to take it. Don’t take it during pregnancy or if you are nursing a child.
As with any other supplement, if you have existing health issues, it’s best to get a doctor’s advice about adding Modere Trim to your daily regimen or using it alongside any medication(s) you take.
What are the Ingredients in Modere Trim?
Each 1-tablespoon serving provides 5 grams of a proprietary blend.
The blend contains an undisclosed amount of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) along with another proprietary blend called Liquid BioCell. Modere doesn’t reveal the proportions.
CLA – conjugated linoleic acid
CLA is a fatty acid you can get by eating certain foods including dairy products and grass-fed beef. It’s also possible to obtain it from safflower oil. That’s the form present in Modere Trim.

CLA is an omega-6 fatty acid that’s associated with several benefits. One of them is weight loss. It’s also got a reputation for supporting improvements in muscle mass. This makes it popular with bodybuilders and other athletes who want to burn fat without losing muscle.
Research proves CLA works for weight loss. However, although it supports significant fat loss in animals, the results are more modest in humans.
As for improvements in muscle mass, scientific opinion varies. As has the way CLA has performed in clinical studies. Some research suggests it has a little value, other research does not.
If you need something to make your muscles grow, you’d be better off buying some protein powder or some BCAA capsules instead.
Liquid BioCell
Liquid BioCell appears to be Modere’s own creation.
The company sells it as a standalone product, pairing it with other ingredients to provide different results. It even has versions for pets, including some Liquid BioCell chews to make your pet healthier and give it a shinier coat.
Modere makes a lot of claims for Liquid BioCell and calls it a “supernutraceutical” that’s “completely changing the way we age.*” (Notice the star.)
The company also promises their ingredient will replenish connective tissue, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, stating it’s “clinically shown to work.*” (With another star.)
All the claims are followed by a little star. This suggests some form of disclaimer but no explanations are provided on the pages making the claims.
It could very well be the claims are true. However, Modere has a history of making questionable claims. One of which caused it to receive a warning letter from the Federal Trade Commission
Regardless of its potential (or lack of it), Liquid BioCell can lose a lot of its appeal when you know what it is.
Liquid BioCell is a hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract. Modere favors it because it provides collagen peptides but the main thing to know is it’s extracted from chicken breastbones.
As for the viability of the ingredient, Modere fails to reference any studies. However, although some research suggests collagen supplements may be beneficial, many experts question this and raise questions about safety issues.
How Good is the Formulation?
It’s hard to say how good this combination of CLA and chicken breastbone extract is likely to be but, as a weight loss aid, CLA is the ingredient with the most potential.
But how much CLA does a tablespoon provide? For all anyone knows it could be mostly chicken juice. Of course, that may give the formulation greater potential for improving your skin. Then again, it may not. Let’s not forget, there are doubts about the value of using supplements that provide collagen.
Does Modere Trim Have any Customer Reviews?
Modere Trim appears to be available via Amazon and quite a lot of reviews are available. However, although the products may be genuine ones, placed there by Modere distributors, it’s also possible they could be counterfeit.
The reviews available are a mix of good and bad. Some people say the product did what they hoped it would do, others say it did nothing at all.
There are also a lot of reviews that mention receiving outdated products. But again, there is no way to be certain these reviews refer to the genuine product.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) website is also a source of feedback. Unfortunatley, there are quite a lot of complaints about the company and its products.
Some customers mention side effects, others complain of contaminated products. A great many of them are protesting about billing and delivery issues.
Positive Modere Trim Reviews
I am not someone who spends an hour in the morning doing her hair and makeup. For me, it’s all about waking up with my five-year old daughter and getting her off to school. I have been a busy mom for years now, juggling work life and family life as best as possible. But after having children, it was really hard on me physically and mentally to keep up with everything. That is why I started using Modere Trim – because of its weight loss benefits that were so natural without any side effects or long term commitments like other products out there on the market. And just like what many others are saying online too, this product has really improved my skin as well!
“Modere Trim and I have been together for a long time now, but it wasn’t until recently that I started to see the true benefits of this product. When you first start taking Modere Trim, you’ll feel like your body is being cleansed from within after about two weeks. You won’t be able to go more than five minutes without having to use the restroom because of all the toxins getting flushed out! Yes, it can be unnerving at first, but trust me! Your skin will thank you later.
Negative Modere Trim Reviews
I’ve been struggling to lose weight for years and have tried dozens of different diets. A family member suggested that I try Modere Trim weight loss supplements, and it seemed like a great idea. Now, six months later, the only thing different about me is my bank balance: It’s empty! The first month was awesome – all those salads on top of my usual healthy diet really helped with slimming down a little. But then things started to plateau. My stomach was still just as fat as ever and there were no changes in my skin tone or anything else! What a waste of money. The Modere Trim claims of weight loss and improved youthful skin didn’t work for me.
It was the day before my sister’s wedding and I had been trying to lose weight for months now, but nothing seemed to work. It made me furious with people who would post all these reviews on how much they loved this product or that one without knowing what it is like to be struggling and not be able to get any results. I bought Modere Trim because of its high ratings and the Modere Trim claims, but after three weeks no weight loss happened and my stomach still looked fat in the mirror. The worst part was that other than feeling hungry all the time, there wasn’t anything else wrong with me either! My skin didn’t look brighter or more dewy; in fact, it just felt dry as usual.
Will There Be Any Side Effects?
Most people can use CLA supplements without having any side effects. However, some people experience minor stomach issues such as indigestion or diarrhea.
The problem here is, we are not dealing with a supplement that only provides CLA.
Modere Trim provides a chicken bone extract as well. The presence of Liquid BioCell will make the product unsuitable for anyone who has a chicken allergy. It will also make the product unacceptable to vegans and vegetarians.
Supplements that provide collagen may cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. They can also cause diarrhea and rashes.
Where Can I Get Modere Trim?
You can buy Modere Trim from the Modere website. If you know a Modere distributor, you may also have the option of buying the product from them.
Modere Trim appears to be available via Amazon as well. However, although it’s probable that some or all of the listings have been posted by Modere distributors, it’s also possible the products being distributed may be fake.
So, unless you have a friend who is a distributor, it’s probably best to buy from the Modere website.
Is Modere Trim a Good Weight Loss Supplement to Buy?
Modere Trim is a strange supplement. By trying to make it somewhat of a Jack of all trades, Modere has made it a master of none.
Millions of people are searching for supplements to help them lose weight. A lot of people search for joint-care products, and products that provide healthier-looking hair, skin, and nails are very popular too.
The amount of people who are looking for a catch-all supplement that does all these things is unlikely to be so great.
Let’s concentrate on Modere Trim’s value as a weight loss aid. Although CLA has proven abilities in this regard, it’s not a big gun. There are alternative natural fat burners that have greater potency and will surely offer better results.
Now let’s look at the cost of using Modere Trim. It’s going to be around $100 per month! Wow! That’s a lot of money. Especially for a product that’s likely to offer such mediocre results.
All the best fat-burning diet pills cost considerably less. Plus they have a money-back guarantee. Modere Trim does not.
If you buy Modere Trim, you will be paying too much and getting too little in return. We have every faith that it will do some of the things Modere claims but it only provides CLA and a proprietary blend that contains collagen.
Take a walk to your local pharmacy and you will probably be able to pick up a bottle of CLA capsules for as little as $10-$15. The same is true for basic collagen pills. Modere Trim is not a weight loss product that offers good value for money but, as we pointed out at the beginning of this review, that’s often the case with products provided by companies that use MLM.
Alternative Weight Loss Pills
There are dozens of weight loss supplements on the market. If you are looking ti lose weight both safely and quickly we have compiled a guide of the best fat burning supplements here