SARMs are mainstream. If you want to increase your muscle growth then using a bulking SARM can help your muscle gains immeasurably. The most popular of the bulking selective androgen receptor modulators is Ostarine (MK288). This article looks at the MK-2866 dosage, side effects, how it works and safety and legality aspects as well

This review will look into Ostarine, a SARM that is used by bodybuilder to bulk up and build muscle. What it is, how it works is it legal, and whether it is worth trying.
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Legal Ostarine MK-2866

One of the most popular legal brands is Ostabulk by BrutalForce
OSTABulk is an alternative to Ostarine MK 22866. It is available over the counter and online via the official BrutalForce website.
Ostabulk is a high-quality supplement that offers testosterone boosting capabilities that are comparable to SARMs and steroids.
What Is Ostarine (MK-2866)?
Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMs) that bodybuilder enthusiasts and professional athletes predominantly use to enhance their overall physique, increase muscle mass, and improve muscle endurance in a fraction of the time. It is often used as part of a bulking stack combined with RAD 140 testolone and other bulking SARMs
This drug is also known for its name, MK-2866. As this is a part of the selective androgen receptor modulator type of drug, you must understand that it produces the same outcomes as anabolic steroids, without side effects.
One key difference from steroidal drugs is that it does not disturb the non-skeletal muscular tissues. It enhances an individual’s muscular growth and creates anabolic activities by acting as a direct stimulant of androgen receptors in the body. This implies that SARMs like Ostarine effectively increase lean muscle mass via androgenic activity specifically limited to muscular tissues.
Ostarine (MK-2866) was first developed for patients with terminal health diseases, including cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that often experience wasting syndrome and Cachexia.
It was first designed to prevent further complications, such as those mentioned above. Over time, it was known to help regulate body fat percentages and improve testosterone levels among its users.
This made its way to the bodybuilding industry and became a widely known supplement due to its nature of quickly and effectively building muscles.
How Does Ostarine Work?
Ostarine (MK-2866) works by attaching itself to specific proteins in the human body called androgen receptors. Once it affixed itself in the receptors, it further directs it to grow lean muscles.
This accentuated muscle growth happens as the genes are being altered, causing a further enhancement in the synthesis of protein that is essential for maximum muscular growth.
It increases muscular endurance enabling an individual to withstand more extended periods of lifting weights and boosts muscle building without the longer time interval for rest.
It ensures that the muscles lost during the rigorous activity will be recovered immediately, increasing the total muscular activity.
Based on other resources, Ostarine may also contain various amino acids, like leucine, which is used as supplements for meal replacement by many bodybuilders. This amino acid may also contribute to speeding up the muscle recovery process and may help reduce the build-up of lactic acids during brutal sessions in the gym.
Unlike steroidal compounds, Ostarine is preferred by many bodybuilders as it does not contribute to the enlargement of men’s prostate that significantly leads to other serious complications.
Is Ostarine Legal?
Ostarine (MK-2866) has been very popular in bodybuilding, especially to younger generations of bodybuilders, and is preferred by many over steroidal compounds that come with numerous side effects.
Although it is not a steroidal drug, Ostarine is not yet approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for regular intake.
It may have promising benefits in enhancing muscle endurance and can help achieve the dream physique that every gym-goer dreams of, but the US FDA warns individuals using the substance as it may do more harm than good.
Furthermore, the authorities advise that using and abusing these substances may cause severe body disorders and contribute to a health decline.
In the context of elite sports competitions, the use of Ostarine as a performance-enhancing supplement is prohibited in accordance with the standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Ostarine is listed under the WADA prohibited list and falls under the category of S1 Anabolic Agents.
However, you can still buy Ostarine anywhere except in Australia.
Ostarine MK-2866 Benefits
The use of Ostarine (MK-2866) is recorded to have significant benefits in achieving the physique that everyone wants to have in their own body.
Lowered body fat percentage
It may help lessen the body fat tissues among its users due to the same feature of binding with the androgen receptors present in the body. As this gives its user the capacity to withstand rigorous training at the gym, it significantly increases the period where the body is burning calories as fuel.
Improved lean muscle mass
With its ability to bind with androgen receptors in the human body, Osterin is capable of helping promote lean muscle growth among its users and significantly increase the lean muscle mass of an individual.
Reduced time for muscle recovery
Another significant feature of SARMs like Ostarine is reducing the muscle recovery time of the user. This allows an individual to spend more time lifting weights without the fear of losing muscles due to overworking their muscles.
Ostarine (MK-2866) Dosage
To begin, Ostarine can be taken at any time throughout the day as long as you do not take it right before or during your workout session in the gym.
With that said, Ostarine must be taken at a 24-hour interval and the best period to take it is in the morning or right after your workout out routine is done.
Due to its 24-hour half-life, it is not advisable to be taken multiple times a day.
The design of this particular supplement strongly depends on many factors. It would be best if you considered any existing conditions, complications, as well as your age. Hence there is no established data for the optimal dosing as it varies from one individual to another.
Following what the product’s label says would do the job but consulting your physician or other licensed healthcare professional is the best way to go.
Pros and Cons of Ostarine (MK-2866)
Like any other supplement, the use of Ostarine MK-2866 is accompanied by its own advantages and disadvantages, and here are some of the few.
- Improved lean muscle mass
- Non-toxic
- Contributes the reduction of total body fat percentage
- Requires further research regarding its side effects
- Long-term effects are yet to be identified.
- Suppression of testosterone in men
Ostarine MK-2866 Side Effects
The use of Ostarine may be accompanied by potential side effects that may still be significantly less serious than steroid use. Here are some of its documented side effects:
Joint Pains
While the body adjusts to the medication, it may experience some joint pains. When these pains seem to feel very discomforting, consider taking one to three weeks off from the cycle up until the joint pains subside.
In some cases, users of Ostarine may experience headaches while still starting to use the product. If this occurs, try to start over with a lower dosage and work your way up until you achieve your desired dose. Try taking aspirin before you supplement to counter this side effect.
With prolonged use and higher dosing, users may experience depression. This side effect will tone down after some time but consider stopping using the said supplement if symptoms worsen.
As the estrogen levels are being altered in the body, users of the product may feel a little bit of nausea, which is a strong implication that the body is adjusting to the supplement.
Experience with Ostarine
According to, Ostarine has an overall rating of 4.1. It is accompanied by a list of customer reviews saying that they are quite satisfied with the results they had while using the product, and here are some of the users’ positive testimonies.
A woman who took Ostarine for 60 days to help her increase muscle and lose fat claimed she had a ton of energy that was reduced after a seven-week mark and that she had to work out every day because she had a ton of energy in her body. She also claims that even if she’s lifting heavier weights, she will not feel any muscle pains or soreness. After six weeks, a liver function test was conducted, and her liver numbers were good. The only side effect that she has experienced was a slight headache.
Another customer, who had a tendon inflammation in his lower back and elbows, claimed that Ostarine resolved his problem in a month. He took 15mg per day, and after a month of usage, it had no negative effects on his body. He believed that the side effects were greatly exaggerated.
While some expressed the positive outcomes of using the product, not everyone seems to be impressed with the results. One customer appears to be affected by one of the side effects and is convinced that the cons outweigh the product’s advantages.
According to one user who has Cachexia, a condition that causes your muscles to waste away, Ostarine did indeed help him gain some muscle while cutting the weight. Still, after nine weeks of usage, he became very depressed, tired, unmotivated, anxious. He warned that it could tank their testosterone levels when using this or any other androgen.
Ostarine (MK-2866) Final Verdict
After this thorough review of Ostarine MK-2866, we can say that this compound may aid individuals who wish to grow muscles over a short period.
With the aforementioned research-based facts, Ostarine can be an excellent alternative for users of steroidal compounds. It delivers lesser risks than anabolic steroids while still delivering the desired result that bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts want to see in their bodies figures.
Do remember that if you are into joining elite sports competitions, the use of SARMs like Ostarine may be out of the options.
These competitions are governed by organizations that seek to ensure that participating athletes compete on a level playing ground and prohibit these supplements.
Overall, Ostarine MK-2866 can help individuals develop better physiques with its steroid-like benefits without the side effects of steroidal compound use.