Razalean is a new 3 in 1 weight loss formula. Recent research suggests that the ingredients may provide benefits to those who want to achieve their weight loss goals by combining natural herbs, amino acids and vitamins & minerals into one easy-to-use capsule. Read our review and decide if this dietary supplement is for you

Some good ingredients.
Formula is natural and safe.
Some good reviews from customers.
Reputable company involved.
Not many customer reviews.
Formula is not the most exciting.
Suffers from over hype.
Possible fake before and after pics.
It’s hard to recommend in light of its obvious short comings. There are several better formulas and weight loss supplement brands on the market.
We recommend PhenQ fat burner if you looking to use a multi benefit fat burner. It has a long history of success and customer response is very positive.
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Razalean Review
Razalean is a diet pill you won’t find in the stores. You can only buy it online. The manufacturer alleges Razalean was 19 years in the making and is the result of thousands of hours of research and testing.
There’s quite a bit of hype with this product. The official site describes the formulation as being both “intelligently designed” and “exotic”. The site also suggests Razalean is the equivalent of a Ferrari and compares alternative diet pills to an old-style station wagon.
But is Razalean really that good? Will it leave the alternatives sucking on its exhaust fumes and eating its dust?
The truth is, there is no way to be sure what this particular diet pill can do.
The manufacturer doesn’t provide enough information about the ingredients. If you don’t know what’s under the hood, you can’t be sure what kind of power is there.
The manufacturer says the pills have already helped 87,000 customers. That sounds impressive, but there’s no way to be sure this is true and I was unable to find any customer reviews. This product is very similar to OxiPhex

Who Makes Razalean?
So, who’s the manufacturer? There’s no way to know. You can spend as much time as you like searching the Razalean website you’ll remain in the dark. The site doesn’t provide any information about the manufacturer at all.
When websites don’t provide an About Us page or any other obvious ways of finding out company information, it’s often possible to identify the company by checking the site’s privacy policy. If that doesn’t work, the next port of call should be the terms and conditions page.
Unfortunately, the Razalean website doesn’t have a privacy policy. Nor does it have a terms and conditions page. That’s a pretty big oversight. Any site that collects personal information, such as credit card details and customer addresses, needs to have these pages. It’s required by law.
However, the Razalean marketing material suggests the company is run by three people. It doesn’t identify any of them. The site also says the pills are made in the USA and the small print at the bottom of the site reveals an address in Utah.
Does that mean the pills are made in Utah? They may be. A lot of diet pills come from Utah. Although it has to be said not of them become top-selling brands.
In this case, it’s probably best not to make any presumptions or take things at face value. I checked the address information. It’s not a factory.
Nor is it located in an office block. The address hidden at the bottom of the Razalean website is actually for a UPS store.
UPS offers mail forwarding services. That means the company behind this product may not be in Utah at all. Perhaps not even in the US. It could be anywhere in the world.
What are the Razalean Benefits?
- Easy to swallow
- 3 in 1 formulation
- Maximizes metabolism
- Increases energy levels
- Boosts performance
- Powerful thermogenic formula
- Significantly reduces belly size
Razalean Ingredient Profile (What’s in the Formula)
The Razalean website does not provide a full ingredient profile. However, it does mention 10 of the ingredients:
- Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix
- Green Coffee Bean
- Cayenne Pepper
- Raspberry Ketones
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Turmeric Root Extract
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- L-Arginine
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Kelp
So we know there are 10 ingredients. That’s something, but there could easily be many more and there is no way to discover how much of each ingredient the pills contain.
Inclusion rates are important. Don’t doubt it. When you don’t have them you can never be sure most of the pill doesn’t consist of useless binders and fillers.
Think of a cup of coffee. Let’s keep it simple and take it black. It has two ingredients. One of them is coffee, the other is water.
If I make you a cup and place one spoon of coffee granules inside, it will probably taste okay and may also perk you up because coffee has caffeine inside.
If I only place one granule of coffee in the water, your cup will still contain coffee and water but it won’t have any taste and it won’t wake you up.
But what if I put three spoons of coffee in the water? How about three or four? Your cup of coffee will taste too strong and, even if you manage to drink it, all that extra caffeine may make you feel jittery and unwell.
What do the Ingredients Do?
Presuming correct quantities, here are some of the things the ingredients in Razalean can do:
Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix
Caffeine is a popular diet pill ingredient but I’m not familiar with this version. It’s probably something the manufacturer has knocked together itself.
The Razalean website says the Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix is superior to other forms of caffeine. It also promises longer-lasting benefits without the risk of a caffeine crash.
No evidence is provided to support this claim.
The Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix is apparently a mixture of:
- Caffeine citrate
- Caffeine anhydrous
- Caffeine from green tea
Caffeine can help weight loss by increasing metabolism and thermogenesis. This makes you burn more calories per hour.
Caffeine is also very good for boosting energy and banishing diet-related fatigue.
Green Coffee Bean

Green coffee bean extracts are a source of caffeine.
That means Razalean contains a fourth caffeine-providing ingredient. However, the green beans also provide chlorogenic acid.
Presuming an adequate dose, chlorogenic acid helps your body maintain healthy blood glucose and insulin levels.
In so doing, it can be good for preventing the post-eating blood sugar crashes that may trigger carbs cravings.
Cayenne is a versatile diet pill ingredient with proven capabilities both as a fat burner and as an appetite suppressor. Many of the top weight loss formulations contain a helping of cayenne. It’s a good ingredient, but it won’t do much here if the formulation does not contain enough.
Raspberry Ketones
Another popular diet pill ingredient. This fruity fat burner appears to accelerate weight loss by stimulating the production of adiponectin (fat burning hormone).
Raspberry ketones also has a reputation for being a good appetite suppressant. However, there are two types of raspberry ketones. One comes from fruit the other comes from a lab. Razalean may contain either one.
If the formulation contains fruit-based raspberry ketones, in sufficient amount, it’s a good ingredient to have. If it’s the synthetic version even a good dose may not do a lot.
Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is another fruit extract you find in a lot of weight loss formulations. The extract comes from the rind. It provides hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
HCA appears to be capable of suppressing hunger and discouraging the body from storing excess calories as fat.
Experts opinion suggests, to work for weight loss, garcinia cambogia extracts need to be at least 60% HCA. The company behind Razalean fails to say how much HCA its chosen extract contains.
Turmeric is a source of curcumin. Although it’s not a stimulant, curcumin is capable of boosting energy so it’s sometimes used as a replacement for caffeine.
Curcumin is also good for reducing inflammation. It’s a healthy ingredient but the human body does not absorb it well. In a normal-case scenario, much of the curcumin you consume will be wasted.
However, black pepper extracts provide a compound called piperine. It increases curcumin absorption by up to 2,000 percent. Razalean doesn’t appear to provide any piperine.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is reputed to offer numerous health benefits. However, there’s a general lack of scientific evidence to support the things it’s alleged to do.
A limited amount of evidence suggests apple cider vinegar might help with weight loss, but there are more credible options to choose.
L-Arginine is an amino acid. One of the things it can do is boost nitric oxide. By doing so, it relaxes the blood vessels and improves circulation. Compounds that can do this are known as vasodilators.
The manufacturers of sports supplements often add natural vasodilators to their products because their presence can help people train with higher intensity.
Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea is another ingredient that’s sometimes put in sports supplements. It appears to help delay the onset of fatigue.
Kelp is a good source of iodine. Diet pill manufacturers favor it because iodine is necessary for normal thyroid function.
The thyroid produces several hormones. As far as weight management goes, the two important ones are T3 and T4 because they govern the metabolic rate.
If your attempts at weight loss are being thwarted by a sluggish thyroid gland, kelp may help. If your thyroid gland is functioning normally, it’s unlikely to do much for you at all.
How Do I Use Razalean?
The normal dose is one capsule per day. If there are no tolerance issues, you can increase the dose to two capsules per day.
Who Shouldn’t Use?
Razalean is not for everyone. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease or any other medical condition then please speak to your doctor first before taking this supplement.
Are There Any Razalean Customer Reviews?
I was unable to find any Razalean customer reviews.
The official site has three short testimonials that are allegedly from satisfied customers but three is not many and you cannot be certain they are legitimate. I’m not saying they are fake, only pointing out the fact that manufacturer’s websites are always a very biased source.
Razalean Before and After Photo’s
Again, there are few but that could be the weight loss results from any product. It would be good to have the customer holding the Razalean bottle as proof.

Does Razalean Have Any Known Side Effects?
If you look at the Razalean website, the answer is no. It states there are no side effects at all. However, you can’t be sure where this product comes from or exactly what it contains so caution is advised.
One of the things we do know is, the formulation contains caffeine. It’s a popular diet pill ingredient with many virtues, but you need to treat it with respect. Some manufacturers don’t.
Caffeine is cheaper than many other ingredients and it can help you to lose weight. For this reason, some manufacturers pack their products with high doses of caffeine to keep their costs down. The people using their products end up paying the price.
Too much caffeine can cause jitters. It can cause headaches and nausea too, along with a great many other unpleasant side effects.
You’ve got to assume side effects may be a possibility and you cannot take risks with your health. If you are seriously thinking of using Razalean to lose weight, play it safe and talk to your doctor about it first.
Where Can I Buy Razalean and How Much Does It Cost?
Razalean is exclusive to the official site. At the time of this review, the price was USD $69.95 per bottle.
Does Razalean Have a Guarantee?
The official site states there is a 60-day money-back guarantee. Unfortunately, there are doubts about whether the manufacturer will honor it.
Will Razalean Help Me to Lose Weight?
It’s possible it may help you to lose weight a little faster if you are already losing weight via low-calorie dieting. Then again, it may do nothing at all.
You can’t be sure how many ingredients are in the formulation (it may be more than 10) or what quantities are involved.
The lack of customer reviews doesn’t help. If there was plenty of evidence showing Razalean has already helped people to lose weight, it would offer some hope. Anything that’s helped other people may do the same for you.
If, on the other hand, Razalean has let people down or made anyone ill, customer reviews may reveal that too.
Here’s the truth in a teacup: You can’t be sure where the product is made or by who.
Razalean contains at least 10 ingredients but you can’t be certain how good the formulation is. Nor can you be certain it doesn’t contain something that may make you ill.
If you buy Razalean it’s going to be a gamble and you will be playing for cash—your cash.
Do you feel lucky? If so, do what you’ve got to do and buy Razalean. If not, go with an alternative instead. Preferably one of the top brands. Do that and you could find yourself holding a winning hand.