A transdermal weight control system is just another way of saying diet patch (or slimming patch). Either way, they are great weight loss option for anyone you cannot stomach the idea of swallowing a diet pill, capsule or tablet. Do diet patches actually work though?

Great if you can’t swallow pills.
Excellent ingredient profile.
Time released.
Good customer feedback.
60 day guarantee.
Only available from official stockist.
Doesn’t ship to some countries
A great weight loss products. very discreet and very effective.
Diet patches are great if you a problem with pills, capsules and tablets – for whatever reason. Simply attach in morning and forget – then replace the next morning.
Orders are exclusively made via the manufacturers own website – Bauer Nutrition. Shipping is free and there are various promotions throughout the year.
Available exclusively from the Bauer Nutrition website. There are currently buy 2 get one free offers in place. Please note there are currently no Bauer Coupon Codes in effect
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Slim Diet Patch Review
Slim Diet Patch is a weight management product (or transdermal delivery system) designed to provide the wearer with 24-hour weight loss without the need for pills or capsules.
There are a lot of diet patches on the market and the truth of the matter is most of them are not worth their salt.
However, we are not ready to write this one off too quickly because it’s manufactured by one of the most respected supplement manufacturers in the world—Bauer Nutrition.
As the name suggests, Slim Diet Patch is patch that is affixed to the skin.
It’s a little bit like a large sticking plaster, but instead of a central pad of absorbent lint the patch contains a formulation of ingredients that are intended to help the wearer to lose weight.
If you are not familiar with patch technology, and the benefits associated with skin absorption as a delivery technique, you will probably be asking yourself how a diet patch could work better than diet pill or powder.
This is a very common question and we’ll try to answer it as simply as possible.
Although orally taken supplements can be very good, the human digestive fluids are so harsh on the active ingredients a lot of their power is lost.
The ingredients used in diet patches are absorbed through the skin and are then picked up by the blood and transported around the body.
There are no digestive fluids involved in the process, so the ingredients retain most of their potency.
Skin absorption is also a slow process that can provide a steady supply of the weight loss formulation for 24 hours a day.
This means you can just stick the patches on the skin and forget about them until the next day.
They are very easy to use and can be particularly good for people who find it difficult to remember to take pills or fit the doses into their daily routine.

Slim Diet Patch Benefits
- Natural formula that gets to work fast
- Boosts the metabolism
- Accelerates fat burning
- Supports safe weight loss 24 hours a day
- More potent than capsules or pills
- See results within a few weeks
Health Considerations
Women who are pregnant of nursing a child should avoid taking supplements that have not been approved by their doctor. People with existing medical conditions would also be wise to get medical approval before using supplements of any kind. The same advice is offered to people who are using medication and/or planing to use two or more supplements alongside each other.
Ingredient Profile
- Grееn Теа Ехtrасt
- Асаі Fruit
- Fuсuѕ Vеѕісulоѕuѕ
What do the Ingredients Do?
Green tea
A good ingredient to have. Most weight loss products contain a quantity of green tea. It works by boosting the metabolism. This causes the body to burn extra calories and get to work burning its stores of fat sooner. It’s credentials as a fat burner are first rate as well and research proves that it works.
Also a worthy inclusion because it has hunger suppressing abilities. Acai extract provides amino acids, fatty acids, and pytosterols that boost the metabolism and help accelerate the speed at which body fat is burned.
Fuсuѕ Vеѕісulоѕuѕ
A seaweed extract that is rich in iodine. It’s a very common diet pill ingredient because the thyroid gland uses iodine to make important hormones that help control the metabolism and ensure the body burns calories fast and puts them to use in an efficient manner.
Slim Diet Patch Customer Reviews
Dieters appear to love this product.
A few average customer reviews read:
If you are looking for a good diet patch that works, I highly recommend Slim Diet Patch. I began with them 4 weeks ago and have already lost 23lbs. They are really easy to use and don’t irritate the skin like other patches do.”
JJ, New York USA
I’ve always been overweight, even as a child, but all my efforts to lose weight proved futile. My sister suggested I try Slim Diet Patch. I had nothing to lose so I did. I lost nearly 30 pounds in the first month!!!!”
Maureen, York UK
I never thought a patch could be good for losing weight, but I am amazed to say this one is. I’ve only been using it for 11 weeks and I’ve already lost more than 48 pounds.
Yvette, Boston USA
Slim Diet Patch at a Glance
- Reputable manufacturer
- Low price
- Good ingredient profile
- Simple to use
- Utilizes an efficient delivery technique
- Excellent customer reviews
- Money back guarantee
How to use Slim Diet Patch
After the backing is removed, the patch needs to be applied to clean, dry skin.
The suggested areas are the arm, thigh, back, or shoulder. The patch is left in place for 24 hours and then removed.
A fresh patch should then be applied and Bauer suggest users avoid using the same area of skin for two days in a row. So it you stick one to your arm on day one, use choose a different place on day two.

The Bottom Line (Does the Slim Diet Patch Work?)
Past customers say Bauer Nutrition’s Slim Diet Patch works well and, looking at the ingredients it provides, we are not at all surprised by the amount of positive feedback about product.
There are not many ingredients involved, but all of them are good and the skin absorption delivery technique ensures maximum potency is retained.
A guarantee is there if customers need it, but we doubt it will be necessary. This is a good weight loss product and we are happy to recommend it to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.
Where To Buy Slim Diet Patch
Exclusively from the Bauer Nutrion website.
With a £36 price tag, Slim Diet Patch is also one of the cheapest (credible) weight reducing products on the market and Bauer are so confident in their patch’s ability to help people to lose weight they are offering customers a 60-day money back guarantee.