A flagging libido, low sex drive, fatigue are some of the effects of low testosterone. Supplements like Testogen can address these issues and boost free testosterone levels to former glories. Read the review and see if it can work for you.

Helps to build lean muscle mass
Get more from your workouts
Beats fatigue, give you energy
Increases libido and sex drive
Great customer reviews
Available online only
Doesn’t ship to some countries
Testogen is arguably the best selling testosterone boosting supplement in Australia, United States, Canada and the UK. It is ideal for men with low T levels
If you need a good source T booster you won’t do any better than this. There are special offers available from the official website
Testogen is a testosterone booster for men. It provides a combination of ingredients that stimulate the testes and encourage them to produce more testosterone.
Some testosterone boosters are formulated for bodybuilders and other athletes who want to increase their rate of muscle growth. Others are aimed at aging men who are struggling with libido issues or have lost much of their vitality due to dwindling free testosterone levels in your body.
Testogen is a little different from the norm because it’s designed to be suitable for a wide range of men and it has proved to be a very successful formulation.
Since 2014, Testogen has helped more than 105,000 men in 134+ countries to increase their testosterone naturally and enjoy all the benefits that entail.
Content Table
Testogen Benefits
- Boosts energy levels and beats fatigue
- Empowers your workouts
- Builds muscle and strength
- Burns stubborn body fat
- Revives your sex drive
- Helps reverse erectile dysfunction
- Benefits male reproductive system
- Helps you to feel energized and enjoy life again

Why Men Need Testosterone Boosters
Men use testosterone supplements such as Testogen for two main reasons. As already mentioned, one of them is a desire to attain superior gains in muscle size and strength. Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is of key importance in the anabolic process, so anything that can boost your testosterone levels can do this.
Alternatively, many men use testosterone boosters to compensate for a drop in their natural hormone production.
Testosterone production can decrease for many reasons. Some sicknesses can cause it to happen. So can certain drugs. Poor lifestyle choices such as excessive alcohol consumption can impair the body’s ability to produce testosterone as well.
However, men who are in excellent health and live a healthy lifestyle can be affected by low testosterone too because a man’s ability to produce this important steroid hormone generally diminishes with age.
The Role of Testosterone
In addition to being natural anabolic steroids produced in the body, testosterone is also an androgen hormone (sex hormone). It’s the hormone that turns boys into men and provides characteristic masculine traits such as facial hair.
Testosterone production reaches its peak during adolescence. After that production slacks off and free testosterone levels decrease little by little year after year.
By the time the average guy reaches the age of 30, he will have considerably less circulating testosterone than he did in his teenage years and his testosterone level will continue diminishing at a rate of around one percent each year.
Low testosterone is one of the main reasons older men start losing muscle. Even men who put in the gym time necessary to grow muscle often find it becomes harder to gain muscle and to retain the muscle they built in previous years.
Low testosterone can affect men in a multitude of ways including reduced sex drive, infertility, and erectile dysfunction (ED). This is not surprising though. Testosterone is the male sex hormone, after all.
Some of the other ways low testosterone can affect men may be less apparent. For instance, low testosterone can reduce bone mass. That may not be an easily noticeable problem but it weakens bones and makes them easier to break.
Low testosterone can also interfere with concentration, memory, and general cognitive function. When testosterone is low, it inhibits healing and fat-burning capabilities too.
By being able to boost testosterone levels naturally, good T-boosters can greatly improve the quality of life in several ways.

How Testogen Boosts Testosterone Levels Naturally
Testogen provides carefully measured doses of 11 natural ingredients. Some of them stimulate increases in natural testosterone production. Others maximize the benefits by preventing sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), from diminishing the it’s value.
SHBG is a protein manufactured by the liver. When it “binds” with testosterone it causes it to be unavailable to bind with the androgen receptors it would normally bind with during protein synthesis and other important biological processes.
So, although your circulating testosterone levels may be quite high, you may still be lacking unbound testosterone, or “free testosterone,” as it is generally called.
By boosting your circulating testosterone and keeping it free, Testogen helps you get the maximum benefits in muscle growth and quality of life.
How to Get the Best Results from Testogen
The dose is four Testogen capsules per day, taken with water 20 minutes before breakfast. You need to be consistent and take the capsules every day.
If you want to get the optimum benefits from Testogen take a look at your overall lifestyle as well. Try and eat a well-balanced diet that’s rich in nutrients and low in fats and sugars. Keeping active and getting plenty of exercise is also a good way to support improvements in testosterone. As is getting adequate sleep.
Conversely, smoking and alcohol abuse are good ways to impair testosterone production.
Testogen Ingredient List
Each (4-capsule) serving of Testogen provides 11 natural ingredients:
- D-Aspartic Acid (2352 mg)
- Magnesium (200 mg)
- Vitamin D3 (50 mcg)
- Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 (40 mg)
- Korean Ginseng 4:1 (40 mg)
- Fenugreek Extract 4:1 (40 mg)
- Vitamin K1 (20 mcg)
- Vitamin B6 (20 mg)
- Zinc (10 mg)
- Boron (8 mg)
- Bioperine (5 mg)
Nettle leaf, Korean ginseng, and Fenugreek are included in equal doses. All three are also 4:1 extracts that boast four times normal potency. That means the 40 mg doses are the equivalent of 160 mg of normal extracts.
Testogen Ingredient Evaluation
D-Aspartic Acid
D-aspartic acid is an essential amino acid that’s got an excellent reputation as a testosterone booster. It works by stimulating the release of luteinizing hormone.
This hormone, manufactured by the pituitary gland, stimulates the testes, encouraging them to begin pumping out extra testosterone.
Magnesium is a mineral that’s present in legumes, spinach, and many other foods.
Research shows supplements that provide magnesium stimulate increases in testosterone. The benefits appear to be especially potent in people who get plenty of exercise.
Magnesium can also support improvements in exercise capability by enhancing energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient. It’s known as the sunshine vitamin because sunlight stimulates its manufacture under the skin.
Oily fish and certain other foods are also good sources of Vitamin D.
However, due to the use of sunscreen and low-fat food choices, many men are Vitamin D deficient.
Lack of Vitamin D can hamper testosterone production. It can retard your immune system as well so there are many arguments for supplementing with Vitamin D.
Nettle Leaf Extract
Nettle leaf is a surprisingly nutritious ingredient. It also offers several health benefits. Many people take advantage of them by drinking nettle tea.
Nettle leaf is present in the Testogen formulation because it supports free testosterone by preventing it from binding with SHBG.
Korean Red Ginseng Extract
Ginseng is an adaptogen herb that is revered worldwide for its powers as an aphrodisiac. Like other adaptogen herbs, ginseng also lowers anxiety and stress.
There are several forms of ginseng, but Korean red ginseng extract is the best, so it’s good to see Testogen is using it instead of one of the alternatives.
Research shows ginseng has much value as a sexual tonic. It’s even been shown to alleviate ED. Its ability to do this may be partly due to its testosterone-boosting capabilities.
Clinical study data suggests ginseng’s value as a testosterone booster is due to the ginsenosides it contains. These appear to stimulate the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, causing increases in free testosterone production. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9063034/
Fenugreek Extract
If you thought fenugreek was only good for cooking, think again. It’s also one of the best natural testosterone boosters. Many supplements designed for bodybuilding and sports provide it and it’s present in a lot of male potency boosters as well.
Vitamin K1
Vitamin K1 does not boost testosterone but it works well alongside the ingredients that do by protecting against testosterone depletion.
Vitamin B6
Testogen provides Vitamin B6 because it aids testosterone synthesis. It provides other desirable benefits as well, such as boosting energy.
Zinc is a mineral that’s present in eggs and many other foods. Oysters are a very good source and its presence in them may explain their reputation as an aphrodisiac. Research shows zinc is good for boosting testosterone. Higher testosterone results in greater libido, so it’s easy to surmise the connection.
Data collected during one six-month study shows daily supplements providing zinc almost doubled the testosterone levels of the elderly males taking part.
The team behind the study also carried out a 20-week study involving younger men.
However, instead of providing zinc supplements, they encouraged the men to become zinc deficient. This resulted in a notable decrease in testosterone, proving again the important relationship between adequate zinc and healthy levels of testosterone. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S089990079680058X?via%3Dihub
Boron is a mineral that boosts vitamin D. That alone gives it value as a testosterone booster ingredient. However, boron is doubly beneficial because it also suppresses the activity of SHBG.
Bioperine is a potent black pepper extract that provides a high dose of piperine. It’s a popular supplement ingredient that increases the bioavailability of other ingredients, helping you to absorb them more easily.
Testogen Side Effects
Testogen does not have any known side effects. However, if you have existing medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, it’s a good idea to check with a doctor before using this or any other form of nutritional supplement.
The same holds true if you would need to use Testogen alongside medication.

Testogen Reviews and Customer Experience
Testogen customer reviews are first-rate. A lot of men have plenty of good things to say about this product and none of them are complaining about side effects.
As you would expect, there are lots of comments about feeling more lively and energetic. There are also plenty of reports about impressive gains in muscle mass and improvements in libido and sexual performance and pleasure.
Where to Buy Testogen

Testogen is exclusive to the official website. You cannot buy it elsewhere but the manufacturer offers rapid free shipping to addresses in most countries of the world, along with a generous 100-day money-back guarantee.
Testogen is not available to buy from Amazon or other online stockists. Testogen is not for sale at Walmart, Walgreens or CVS or any other pharmacy or retail outlet that sell health products and supplements
Testogen Usage Costs and Value for Money
Each bottle of Testogen provides a 30-day treatment for just under $60. That works out at less than $2 per day. When you bear in mind the level of benefit the supplement provides it certainly is good value for money.
The Testogen website also has several special deals that allow you to stretch your money even further. The best option allows you to buy five bottles of Testogen for the price of three.
You need to use testosterone boosters long-term so taking advantage of a deal like this makes more sense than buying one bottle at a time, month after month.
The site also offers several Testogen combo packs that allow you to buy the pills alongside Testogen booster drops.
You cannot buy the drops alone. They are specially formulated to work alongside the pills and enhance their effects.
The basic combo provides one bottle of pills plus a 30-day supply of drops for just under $90.
If you want to boost your testosterone extra fast, this is probably the best way to go and the Testogen website offers some generous special deals on the combos as well.
- Buy a 2-month supply + get an extra month’s supply free
- Buy a 3-month supply + get an extra 2 months supply free
Testogen Review – The Bottom Line
Testogen is a high-quality testosterone boosting supplement sold at a reasonable price.
Customer reviews are very good but that’s only to be expected given the abilities of the natural ingredients in the Testogen formulation.
Although the supplement is not expensive, it’s great to see customers being presented with the option to make additional savings. It’s even better to see such a good money-back guarantee.
It’s easy for manufacturers to make a lot of claims for the things their products will allegedly do but, unless they are willing to make the offer of results or a refund, it’s generally just a lot of hot air.
The company behind this product doesn’t just promise good results it guarantees them. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Regardless of whether you are struggling with low testosterone issues or need to increase your testosterone to build extra muscle, we recommend Testogen testosterone booster 100%.
Testogen FAQ’s
Yes, the natural ingredients contained in the formula have been proven to significantly increase testosterone production.
Testogen is available in many countries including the United States, Canada, UK and Australia as well as other European countries.
Testogen is suitable for anyone, male and female, looking to boost testosterone levels.
Yes, Testogen stimulates testosterone levels.