Turkesterone is one of a group of naturally occurring steroid compounds found in the plant and insect world. Is it classed as a legal steroid though?

Turkesterone is one of a group of naturally occurring steroid compounds found in the plant and insect world.
The group of steroids are known as Ecdysteroids, “Ecdy” because they were originally found to play a role in ecdysis, the process of moulting that insects use to grow bigger.
“Steroids” because of the four carbon ring polyhydroxylated ketosteroid base structure they share, with the variations in their tails giving them individuality.
Arguably the best example of commercially available supplement containing ecdysterone is D-Bal
Since their discovery, Ecdysteroids have also been found in many plants and have been studied for their potential as health supplements.
The four most popular in terms of research are ecdysone, ecdysterone, 20-hydroxyecdysone and of course Turkesterone.
Strangely, humans have receptors for these insect/plant steroids, and perhaps even more bizarrely, they can exert physiological and health benefits.
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Whatever – Can This Stuff Get Me Jacked?
It just might.
The word steroid has power. Most people associate it with anabolic androgenic steroids. The kind professional bodybuilders don’t like to discuss, and the black market “gear” that some gym bros think they understand, when in most cases they definitely do not.
If you compare Turkesterone with testolone for example there is no comparison. Some of the SARM alternatives nowadays such as RADBULK are streets ahead in terms of building lean muscle – all legal too!

Anabolic steroids are still a bit of an enigma to the vast majority of people, despite many athletes having used them to varying degrees of success and failure.
In fact, it’s rare to encounter the subject of anabolic steroids without that negative connotation following it around like a bad smell.
It has long been the search of many a scientist, supplement company, pro athlete and gym rat, to find a viable alternative to anabolic steroids that is somewhat as effective, quite a lot safer, and that stays on the happy side of the law.
There have been a few discoveries – prohormones and pre-prohormones for example. But ultimately, these have gone the way of synthetic anabolic steroids, at least legally speaking, because (a) they are just precursors to them anyway; (b) they might have similar negative side effects; and (c) they have been cooked up in a lab.
Ecdysteroids like Turkesterone, however, are different and not solely because they are naturally occurring. After all opium is naturally occurring but don’t expect that to be legal anytime soon.
How Are Ecdysteroids Different?
Androgens are the male sex hormones, and Testosterone is the benchmark when it comes to androgenic and anabolic rating.
In fact, testosterone is the basis of all anabolic androgenic steroids today.
One of the key biological pathways that makes anabolic steroids so potent is their interaction with the body’s androgenic receptor, the AR.
However, a highly androgenic steroid might not have high affinity with the AR. Steroids that do bind tightly to the AR often have extremely powerful effects.
If a steroid has high binding affinity with the AR, a high androgenic rating, and high anabolic rating, then it’s going to have some very powerful effects. Trenbolone being a great example.
Some synthetic anabolic steroids are several times more androgenic and/or anabolic than Testosterone.
Again using Trenbolone as the example, it’s androgenic/anabolic ratings are 5 times that of Testosterone.
Note: Incidentally, it’s worth mentioning here that the androgenic effects of steroids also cause most of the negative side effects that plague their reputation. So when a synthetic hormone is that much more powerful that testosterone, guess what, so are the side effects
A steroid can be anabolic, but not strongly androgenic, and powerful androgenic steroids have a strong growth effect, and even potent fat burning ability.
Scientists got excited when they first looked closely at Ecdysteroids because they look like androgenic hormones.
They get excited when anything looks like a naturally occurring hormone because there is a chance they have an abundant source of testosterone replacement/booster therapy…and lots of cash coming their way.
When ecdysteroids didn’t show binding affinity to the AR (amongst other things) the research was largely abandoned.
Game over, you might think.

Turkesterone and Ecdysteroids – Anabolic NOT Androgenic
The research was revived when scientists moved away from androgenic receptors, and looked at protein synthesis rates.
They found protein synthesis rates increased in animal muscle tissue. Test tube studies have repeatedly shown such results.
Turkesterone, possibly the most powerful of the ecdysteroids has been directly studied in comparison with anabolic androgenic steroid Nerobol and found to be more potent.
The upshot is: if the ecdysteroid makes it to the muscle tissue, they increase protein synthesis, and they do it fast, powerfully and with a lasting effect.
Furthermore, ecdysteroids appear to exert positive health effects on the liver, intestines, cholesterol levels, blood glucose and possibly even brain tissue.
Wrapping Up Turk and Ecdy
At this point, it’s probably a good idea to summarize the implications of all of this:
- Ecdysteroids like Turkesterone are naturally occurring plant and insect growth factors
- Humans have receptors for them
- They do not exhibit androgenic behaviour
- This means their safety profile is very high compared to other steroids
- They can increase protein synthesis rates
- They can have positive side effects for organs and general health
Protein synthesis, the building of muscle tissue, without the negative side effects – in fact WITH positive side effects…isn’t that a dream come true?
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