The weight loss industry is huge is for people wanting to lose weight, as you would imagine. But there is a similar sized industry for people wanting to gain wait and increase their appetite.

Apetamin appetite stimulating pills are used by men and women who struggle to gain weight. What are the ingredients, how does it actually to gain weight. Is it safe to use. is there any clinical proof that Apetamin works. In this review we will explore some of the key features of this product, including what it does and how it works- all while giving you our opinion on whether or not it actually works!
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What is Apetamin
Apetamin is a dietary supplement used to stimulate the appetite of patients who suffer from reduced desire for food or poor eating habits. It is stark contrast to appetite suppressants – pills and supplements that are used to reduce appetite and aid weight loss, the opposite desired result to weight gainers
The drug belongs to the category of antihistamines, and its means of action is based on stimulating histamine release in hypothalamus by blocking H-receptors. Histamine itself stimulates the appetite: it has been shown that patients treated with this substance eat significantly more than those not receiving it (source).

What are the best weight gain pills? The top supplements for gaining weight and stimulating appetite. Find out which gain weight supplement really work and help men and women put on extra pounds.
Top 4 weight gainers reviewed and rated.
What is in Apetamin Pills
Let’s first take a look at some key ingredients which make up this product as well as how these ingredients work together. Ingredients include: Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 100mg, Vitamin B12 300mcg, Folic Acid 400mcg, Cetirizine Hydrochloride 20mg, and Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride 12mg.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride is a water soluble vitamin which is mainly found in animal products such as meat, fish and eggs. It is also present in some vegetables, legumes and nuts (source). This ingredient is essential for the body as it helps to form red blood cells and release energy from food.
- Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of DNA and red blood cells, whilst also helping with the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose (sugar) which can be used by the body for energy production. This vitamin is mainly found in foods of animal origin such as meat, fish, eggs and milk.
- Folic acid is another water soluble vitamin which is mainly found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, legumes and fortified foods. It helps the body to form new cells and also assists with the absorption of iron from food.
- Cetirizine hydrochloride is an antihistamine used for the relief of symptoms associated with allergies such as sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose. It works by blocking histamine receptors in the body which reduces inflammation (source).
- Cyproheptadine hydrochloride is also an antihistamine that blocks histamine receptors in the body however it has been specifically designed to treat conditions such as obesity, anxiety and depression. It is thought to work by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain (source).
How Do Apetamin Pills Work
Now that we have looked at some of the key ingredients, let’s take a look at how they work together.

The combination of pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B12, folic acid and cyproheptadine hydrochloride helps to increase energy production, form new cells and reduce inflammation- all whilst helping to stimulate the appetite. This makes Apetamin a fairly comprehensive product with a range of benefits for those looking to gain weight.
Who Should Use Apetamin Pills
It is suitable for both men and women who who are under weight and need an appetite stimulant. It is only available on prescription and therefore there are a range of conditions which make it suitable for use. These include:
- Having an eating disorder such as Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa
- Being underweight due to a long term illness
- Those who have suffered from surgery that has affected their ability to eat
Apetamin should not be used by those with allergies to the ingredients outlined above nor may it be taken during pregnancy. It’s also important you speak with your doctor before taking this product if you suffer from any other health condition as well as medication they may prescribe (source).
How To Use Apetamin Pills
The recommended dosage of these pills is two tablets daily one hour before meal time with water only (no other liquids). This helps ensure maximum absorption by the body so always remember not to take them at the same time as any other supplements or medications . Also try and avoid fatty
Are Apetamin Pills Safe, Any Side Effects
So, is it safe? Well as we mentioned earlier, Apetamin contains a number of ingredients which are all generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses. However, as with any supplement, it is always best to speak to your healthcare professional before starting use just to be on the safe side.
Do Apetamin Pills Work
Now that we have answered some of the key questions about Apetamin, let’s take a look at whether or not it actually works!
There is limited clinical evidence to suggest that Apetamin does indeed help stimulate the appetite and promote weight gain.
A study published in the journal “Obesity Surgery” looked at the effects of cyproheptadine hydrochloride (one of the ingredients found in Apetamin) on obese patients. The results showed that those who took cyproheptadine lost more weight than those who didn’t and concluded that this medication could be an effective weight loss treatment.
However, as we mentioned earlier there is limited clinical evidence to suggest it helps those who struggle with gaining weight. One study published in the journal “BMJ Open” concluded that cyproheptadine hydrochloride was no more successful than a placebo when used for obesity therapy and suggested further studies were needed before it can be considered safe or effective.
So what does all of this information tell us? Well at first glance Apetamin may seem like quite a comprehensive product to increase appetite which may help you gain weight however upon closer inspection there appears to be only limited scientific evidence supporting its use: so if you do decide to try out these appetite stimulating pills, please be sure to speak to your healthcare professional first.
What is Apetamin Syrup
Apetamin pills and supplements receive lots of attention by men and women wanting to gain weight. There is also a syrup used an appetite stimulant. This is made by the same company and ingredients are similar.
Apetamin Pills Versus Syrup
The pills and syrup have the same ingredients, but the pill form is more concentrated. The recommended dosage for the pills is one per day, whilst four teaspoons of the syrup are needed each time you take it.
Both forms are effective at stimulating appetite; however, as we mentioned earlier there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that Apetamin actually helps those who struggle with gaining weight. The syrup may be a better choice if you find it difficult to swallow pills.
Apetamin Dosage
As we mentioned earlier, the recommended dosage for Apetamin pills is one per day. However, as with any supplement it is always best to speak to your healthcare professional before starting use just to be on the safe side.
Do Apetamin Pills Work For Everyone?
It should be noted that people respond differently to supplements so it may not work for everyone. It might also cause side effects in some individuals who take certain medications, have allergies or other health conditions. This means if you do want to try out these appetite stimulating pills then please be sure to speak with your doctor first just to play safe.
Alternatives to Apetamin Pills
There are several over the counter weight gaining pills that are far safer and more effective than Apetamin. We have listed our best weight gain pills in this article with a review of each appetite stimulator pill brand.
The best way to gain weight is through a healthy diet rich in calories and exercise regimen designed specifically for gaining mass rather than losing fat .
There’s no doubt about it: Apetamin has been proven time after time as one of the most reliable ways of putting on weight. Although the syrup is more popular, the pills are also very effective in getting the job done so if you’re looking for a more concentrated dose then go for the pills! And as always, be sure to speak with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement – just to be on the safe side.
So there you have it: our in-depth guide to Apetamin Pills and Syrup! We hope this information has been helpful and provided some valuable insights into whether or not these supplements can help you gain weight. As always, please remember to consult with your doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner prior starting any new supplement regime – just to be on the safe side.
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