If you want to gain muscle mass you will need to bulk up. There are two types of bulking diets you can choose – the dirty bulk and the clean bulk. This article will explain the differences, the positives and negatives of each and provide a conclusion – is a clean bulk better than a dirty bulk, or visa versa?

In the world of bodybuilding, there are two ways to bulk up and gain weight. One way is dirty bulking where you eat anything and everything in sight with no regard for nutrition or calories. The other way is clean bulking where you focus on consuming high-quality food that will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to build muscle quickly and efficiently.
Which one should you choose? Should I eat carbs after working out?
In this article, I’ll break down both dirty bulking vs clean bulking so that you can decide what’s best for your muscle building goals!
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What is Bulking – What Does it Mean in Bodybuilding?
Bulking is a term used in bodybuilding to describe the process of gaining weight and muscle. The idea behind bulking is that you consume enough calories to support your goal, which is usually adding more size so that you can then cut later on when it’s time for showtime!
Dirty Bulking vs Clean Bulking
The two main ways people bulk up are dirty bulks or clean bulks. Dirty bulkers typically eat anything they want including fast food, candy bars, soda drinks – without paying attention to nutrition labels or calorie intake.
While clean bulkers focus on eating cleaner foods like lean proteins (chicken breast), healthy fats (avocado), complex carbohydrates (sweet potatoes) and high-quality snacks such as protein shakes.
What is Dirty Bulking?
Dirty bulking is the act of eating large quantities of junk food and fast food in order to bulk up quickly.
The goal behind dirty bulking is to pack on as much weight as possible, regardless if it’s muscle or fat.
Dirty bulkers will eat anything they can lay their hands on with no regard for calories or nutritional value whatsoever.

Typical Dirty Bulk Foods
- Popcorn
- Cookies and cake (anything made with sugar)
- Chips and other high calorie snacks like chocolate bars, candy etc.
- Greasy fast food burgers
The problem is that because they eat so much junk food, dirty bulkers are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders such as binge eating disorder or bulimia. They also have an increased chance of developing heart disease from bad fats and high cholesterol – both traits common in the average American diet. Not to mention their poor sleeping pattern due to late night snacking will lead them crashing into fatigue throughout the day which makes it hard for them exercise or function properly.”
What are the Pros of a Dirty Bulk?
The main pros of dirty bulking would be that you’ll gain a lot more pounds relatively easily without any great effort put into your diet plan since all you’re doing is eating whatever you want whenever you want. Another pro might be not having to worry about counting calories because there won’t be any! In addition, other benefits include being able to fit into a smaller size of clothes as well.
What are the Cons of a Dirty Bulk?
The con’s to dirty bulking would be that you may gain more fat than muscle and so your weight will not be where it needs to be for optimal performance in the gym, which means less gains! Dirty bulkers also run a risk of developing eating disorders because they don’t have any control over what or how much food they’re putting into their bodies. Furthermore, there is an increased risk for heart problems due to all the saturated fats being consumed from greasy foods. Lastly, if you decide on doing clean bulk during this time then these issues arise once again- when trying to reverse back down to a “lean” state post-bulk/cut cycle.
What is Clean Bulking?

A clean bulking diet is when you eat an increased amount of calories and healthy food, rather than unhealthy/”dirty” foods. It’s important to note that the word “clean” does not refer only to top quality products in a given store- it also refers to eating high calorie meals with clean carbs such as oatmeal or brown rice, lean protein from chicken breast without skin (or beans/tofu), vegetables like broccoli, green peas and carrots etc., legumes for example lentils or chickpeas which are rich sources of fiber and then supplementing your diet with multivitamins.”
Clean bulking is often recommended by fitness experts because they don’t have any harmful effects on performance. It is also a healthier muscle gain.
Typical Clean Bulk Foods
- Oatmeal
- Brown Rice
- Beans/Tofu
- Chicken Breast without skin or with less fat content
- Broccoli, Green Peas and Carrots
Clean” carbs like oatmeal or brown rice have a higher chance of causing runners stomach. It’s important to note that the word “clean” does not refer only to top quality products in a given store – it also refers to eating high calorie meals with clean carbs such as oatmeal or brown rice, lean protein from chicken breast without skin (or beans/tofu), vegetables like broccoli, green peas and carrots etc., legumes for example lentils or chickpeas which are rich sources of fiber and then supplementing youra diet with healthy protein bars or shakes.
If you want to clean bulk, it’s important to eat high calorie meals that are also high in fiber-rich carbohydrates such as oatmeal or brown rice and supplementing your diet with a variety of healthy protein sources including eggs, turkey breast meatloaf made up primarily of lean ground beef, nuts like almonds just few examples.
What are the Clean Bulk Pros?
No harm done – Clean bulkers won’t experience many unwanted side effects like stomach cramping, inability to sleep at night or lack of energy during the day.
What are the Clean Bulk Cons?
Clean bulking will not lead to weight gain as quickly as dirty bulkers (because of all the time spent eating clean foods). Clean bulkers should also be careful about when they decide to stop because it may take a long time for them to return back their original weight.
The “yo-yo” effect is more likely with this type of diet plan than if you were just going on and off diets in cycles. If you are trying cleans too many times, then your body can start adapting by decreasing its metabolism rate which means that your calorie intake wouldn’t feel significantly different despite having been fasting from junk foods.
There is a lot of misconceptions about clean bulking out there as well, and they are not all true either. Clean bulkers can also reach the desired weight by being too tired to exercise or get in their normal workouts because they have been eating more calories than what their body needs everyday (also known as overeating) with mostly healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and other quality carbs from sugar-free sources.”
Which is Best – Clean or Dirty Bulk?
When you are trying to build muscle, which is the best way? Clean bulking or dirty bulking. What is the conclusion of which one is better for bodybuilders? When you add up all the pros and cons, what type of foods should bulkers eat to gain more muscles faster than others?
Clean Bulkers Vs Dirty Bulkers
There are a lot of misconceptions about clean bulking out there as well, and not all of them are true either. Clean bulkers can also reach desired weight by being too tired to exercise or get in their normal workouts because they have been eating more calories than what their body needs everyday (also known as overeating) with mostly healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and dairy.
One misconception about dirty bulkers is that they are the ones who eat only junk food like candy, ice cream, soda pop and other sweet treats while adding in weight rapidly with little to no exercise. This may be true of some people (but it’s not everyone) but there are also a lot more misconceptions about them eating unhealthy foods than what we think too.
Dirty Bulking vs Clean Bulking, Which Is Better – Conclusion?
This answer will look different for every person depending on their goals as well as how much time they have been lifting weights or exercising regularly before beginning the bulk process. It would depend on if you want to get big fast by being able to maintain your desired bodyweight without gaining an excessive amount of fat at the same time because clean bulking can be a lot more time and work intensive for some people.
Clean bulking is much healthier than dirty bulking because it allows you to eat foods that will help with muscle growth, strength gain and are easy on the stomach instead of burning through your digestive system by eating unhealthy food choices like fast food all day every day.
The best way to do clean bulk would be if you don’t have an excessive amount of fat or weight already so when starting out it’s easier to add in those extra calories without feeling too heavy from them while staying healthy at the same time. That being said, there are still ways to get big quickly but not as slowly either depending on how disciplined of a person they may be such as what kind of cardio should be done to burn fat.
A dirty bulk is when people will just eat anything they want and as many times a day without any regard for the body’s needs which can lead to weight gain, health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes because of all those processed sugar carbs that are not natural like fruits and vegetables would provide. This type of bulking may make someone feel weak if there isn’t enough protein, calories or minerals in their diet but it could still work depending on how disciplined they were with this kind of eating routine instead.
So what do you think? Is clean better than dirty for gaining muscle mass quickly? Let us know your thoughts! Share this blog post so we can see what others have to say about.
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