If you are at the bulking stage and need to gain muscle and strength quickly you maybe thinking of using a SARM such as YK-11. A better option be to use YKBulk – a legal YK-11 Myostatin inhibitor. It’s legal, safer and works just as well!

Legal YK11
Promotes extreme muscle growth
Gain strength
Rapid recovery times
Oral supplement (no injections)
No stimulants, or chemicals
Sold via manufacturers website only
Not available in some countries
YK11 Myostatin or YKBulk. If you want to bulk up quickly and thinking using YK11 Myostatin then use YKBulk instead – it’s just as good, cheaper and won’t cause side effects. It’s also legal!
It is available to buy solely from the official Brutal Force website. There are special offers and discounts currently in effect.
Content Table
YkBulk Review
YkBulk is a bodybuilding supplement for men who want a safe and legal alternative to the SARM YK11 Myostatin. It’s part of a line of legal SARMs manufactured and distributed by Brutal Force.
Brutal Force is a UK-based bodybuilding brand that has developed safe alternatives for all the popular bodybuilding drugs. In addition to offering some excellent SARMs alternatives, it has a line of legal steroids as well.
Brutal Force SARMs are natural products that provide anabolic benefits that are similar to those of SARMs.
Although YkBulk does the same things as YK11 Mysotatin without causing side effects, these are not the only reasons it’s become such a popular alternative.
Like all Brutal Force SARMs, YkBulk is also cheaper than its chemical alternative. It even has a 100-day money-back guarantee and, unlike YK11 Myostatin, using YkBulk does not present any dangers of competition bans.
Before we dig in deep with our YkBulk evaluation, we are going to provide a brief introduction to YK11 Myostatin. We think this may be useful because understanding all the pros and cons of using YK11 Myostatin (the SARM), makes it easier to understand why YkBulk (the supplement) is such a great alternative.

YK11 Myostatin: Here’s What You Need to Know
YK11 Myostatin belongs to a category of drugs known as Selective Androgen Selector Modulators (SARMs). All the drugs in this category are still experimental and intended for investigatory use only.
Although none of the SARMs have cleared the early stages of clinical trials, this has not prevented them from becoming popular with bodybuilders.
Bodybuilders find SARMs an attractive option because they provide benefits similar to steroids and are slightly safer to use.
In addition to improving muscle growth, SARMs can enhance fat burning and physical performance.
As good as steroids but with fewer side effects! Sounds great, doesn’t it. However, although the side effects are fewer, the dangers still exist.
The FDA has great concerns about SARMs in bodybuilding and issued a statement warning about the dangers of strokes, heart attacks, and liver damage.
YK11 Myostatin has a unique chemical structure that allows it to have more in common with steroids than SARMs. However, limited data suggests it’s selective so it’s generally considered a SARM.
YK11 Myostatin inhibits myostatin. None of the other SARMs is capable of this. It inhibits it by boosting follistatin production.
Follistatin is a protein that suppresses Myostatin. This is pretty exciting because Myostatin imposes a limit on how muscular you can become.
So much for the theory. Unfortunately, that’s all it is. YK11 Myostatin hasn’t even been tested on animals, let alone humans. However, bodybuilders who have used the SARM illegally, swear that it works. They also report side effects such as acne, water retention, joint and tendon weakness, high cholesterol, and man boobs.
Because YK11 Myostatin suppresses normal testosterone production, you have to follow your cycle with a post cycle therapy (PCT) or risk losing muscle mass quickly and having to endure all the other negative aspects of low testosterone.
Why Athletes Choose YkBulk Instead of YK-11
It’s not hard to understand why so many people are switching to using YkBulk instead of YK11. It does everything the SARM does and is side-effect-free.
People who normally go for the SARM do so because they want steroid benefits with fewer side effects. YK11 Myostatin fits the bill to a T. They get what they want but fewer side effects is not as good as no side effects at all.
For anyone trying to break free from steroids and SARMs, YkBulk is the ideal option. YBulk is best used for bulking cycles – then after use another cutting SARM for fat burning and fat loss.
The key benefits are:
- Extreme muscle growth
- Rapid strength gains
- Enhanced performance
- Faster muscle recovery
Brutal Force doesn’t just claim its YK11 Myostatin substitute can do these things, it guarantees it. Customers who are not delighted with the results have 100 days to claim their money back.
YkBulk Usage Guidelines & Considerations
YkBulk is a vegan-friendly legal SARM that is suitable for most men who want to make serious muscle gains without side effects.
The dose is three capsules per day. The best time to take them is 20 minutes before eating breakfast.
YkBulk is a daily supplement, you need to take it whether you intend to train or not.
To get optimum results, it’s best to continue taking YkBulk for a minimum of two months.
Although YkBulk works well on its own, as with normal SARMs you can amplify the benefits by using YkBulk in a legal SARMs stack.
Ingredient Breakdown
Each 3-capsule serving provides:
- Puncture Vine (600 mg)
- Bulbine Natalensis Powder (100 mg)
- Ayectyl-L-Carnitine HCI (50 mg)
- Muira Puama (50 mg)
- Longjack Root Powder (50 mg)
Puncture Vine (600 mg)
Puncture vine is an annual plant that grows in many countries of the world. Generally considered a weed, it produces hard little fruits that bear nasty spines that are sharp enough to penetrate the sole of a shoe.
Although Brutal force refers to this ingredient as puncture vine, most manufacturers use the botanical name – Tribulus terrestris.
Regardless of what you prefer to call it, puncture vine has a longstanding reputation both as a natural testosterone booster and as an aphrodisiac. In addition to being a key ingredient in many bodybuilding supplements, puncture vine is also present in some of the best male potency boosters.
Bulbine Natalensis Powder (100 mg)
Bulbine natalensis is a succulent plant that’s native to South Africa. The root, leaf, and stem are used in traditional medicine. Brutal force is using extracts taken from the stem.
Like many of the best natural testosterone boosters, Bulbine natalensis has a long history of use as an aphrodisiac and fertility booster.
Hundreds of years ago, healers recognized the benefits the herb offered but did not understand the way it achieved them.
Thanks to modern-day science, we now understand Bulbine natalensis works by boosting testosterone.
Ayectyl-L-Carnitine HCI (50 mg)
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a popular ingredient. It provides the body with extra L-carnitine in an easy to assimilate form.
Like other amino acids, L-carnitine is a building block of muscle. However, it also enhances physical performance and helps with fat burning.
A versatile nutrient, L-carnitine is a testosterone booster as well. Supplement manufacturers often take advantage of its ability to support fat loss while also increasing muscle.
Some research shows L-carnitine has value in multiple additional areas including reducing fatigue and resisting age-related loss of muscle mass.
Muira Puama (50 mg)
Muira puama is another natural testosterone booster that’s highly valued as an aphrodisiac. In many Latin American countries, it’s known as potency wood. This is largely due to its prowess as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction (ED).
Muira puama’s “potency” as a libido booster is due to the natural plant sterols it provides. These are forerunners to androgen hormones, including testosterone.
Many of the top Viagra alternatives list Muira puama among the ingredients. It’s an increasingly common addition to sports supplements as well.
Longjack Root Powder (50 mg)
This herb has many names. Longjack is one of them and tongkat ali is another. There are several more but its botanical name is Eurycoma longifolia.
Research conducted on healthy, young male volunteers suggests Longjack extracts increase testosterone by activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and/or the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Known Side Effects
YkBulk does not have any known side effects.
YkBulk Purchasing Options & Considerations

You can buy YkBulk exclusively from the Brutal Force Website. You won’t find it in the shops or any of the online supplement stores. That means shopping around is not an option but, at just under $60 per bottle, YkBulk is a pretty cheap legal SARM to buy.
Each bottle contains a 30-day supply of pills and the shipping costs are included in the price, so you don’t need to worry about any nasty surprises at the checkout.
However, although the price is already extremely reasonable, it can get a lot better. When you order two bottles of YkBulk, Brutal force gives you an extra bottle free of charge.
The three bottles for the price of two is an ongoing offer. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Brutal force also offers regular flash sales. They aren’t always available but are running most of the time.
If the gods of commerce are smiling on you, and you arrive on the site when one of the flash sales is running, you will be able to get a further discount of up to 20%.
Regardless of whether you order one bottle of YkBulk or two, your investment is safe because Brutal Force backs all of its legal SARMs and SARMs stacks with a 100-day money-back guarantee.
YkBulk Review Summary & Conclusion
This is it – the end of our YkBulk review. Sorry it got a little long but there was a lot to explain. The bottom line is, Brutal Force legal SARMs offer several advantages over genuine SARMs and steroids. They are safe, legal, and don’t get you banned from competition.
If you find it hard to believe natural ingredients can pack the same power as muscle growth-enhancing drugs, you are probably not alone. Plenty of people begin their Brutal Force adventure feeling the same way.
The proof is in the pudding though. If you doubt YkBulk is a good alternative to YK11 Myostatin, try it and see. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain thanks to the Brutal Force money-back guarantee.
Other Similar Products To YKBulk
There are other products in the Brutal Force range that compliment YKBulk.
- Ostabulk – a legal Ostarine alternative. Brutal Force Ostabulk is specially formulated to provide the same benefits as Ostarine without presenting any side effects.
- RadBulk – A legal alternative to RAD 140. Brutal Force RadBulk provides all the benefit and none of the risk of testolone. It is great for gaining lean muscle mass and cutting body fat.
- LigaBulk – A bulking SARM that can be used a substitute for Ligandrol LGD-4033.
- Cardalean – A cutting supplement that is comparable to Cardarine GW501516 and alternative available over the counter.