As men get older their testosterone levels drop. Thankfully there are several things that a man can do to help raise low testosterone – taking D Aspartic acid being one of them.

It’s no secret that men are at a disadvantage when it comes to hormone balance. After all, testosterone is the male sex hormone that helps build muscle mass and regulate moods.
Unfortunately, as our bodies age, natural production declines leading to lowered energy levels and increased fat storage.
The good news? You can help combat this by supplementing with D-Aspartic Acid (DAA). This amino acid has been shown in multiple studies to increase testosterone naturally within just 30 days!
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Boost Your Testosterone With D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA) is a form of an amino acid – Aspartic Acid. The other form is known as L-aspartate, but D-AA has unique properties.
The property we are particularly interested in is its ability to increase testosterone levels quite significantly.
It works for both infertile men and athletes and everyone in between.
What makes it even more exciting is the short term period in which it takes effect. Even elite athletes can get a couple weeks of testosterone spike after taking D Aspartic Acid.
The best way to take D aspartic acid is in supplement form, testosterone boosters such as TestoPrime have the correct dosage and can work incredibly for most men. TestoPrime has 2000mg so right slap bang in the middle of the recommended range for the majority of people.
How Does D Aspartic Acid Increase Testosterone?
Scientific evidence tells us that D-AA acts in a couple different ways which work in combination to stimulate an increase in the testosterone hormone.
Directly: via the increase of regulatory proteins in the Leydig cells which triggers testosterone production in the presence of Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
Indirectly: via stimulation of Luteinizing Hormone release from the hypothalamus. LH signals the testicles to make testosterone.
As you can hopefully infer from the above, D Aspartic Acid covers both ends of the testosterone production process, which may account for its speed of effect.
Are you feeling less confident in your abilities? Are you experiencing a loss of energy or stamina? These are the symptoms that many men experience when their testosterone levels dip. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones that drive male sexual function and physical health. Fortunately, there is something you can do to increase your T-levels naturally with D-Aspartic Acid!
How Effective is D Aspartic Acid at Increasing Testosterone levels?
Studies with elite athletes and infertile men have shown that after only 12 days of supplementing with D-aspartic acid, testosterone may increase by up to 42%.
The spike seems quite short lived though, and suggests the compound is best used in short burst cycles for athletes.
Men with low testosterone levels appear to respond better to long-term supplementation.
As part of an all-round testosterone supplement, D-aspartic acid would form the ‘kick-start’ aspect of the boost, while other ingredients would take longer to start taking effect.
Other Effects of Note
Luteinizing hormone and the direct stimulation of testosterone are of obvious importance, but D-AA also increases other hormones of interest to the strength / muscle / bodybuilding athlete.
Both Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) are increased when D aspartic acid builds up in the pituitary gland.
Both of these hormones are the precursors to anabolic pathways, which suggests testosterone may not be the sole muscle and strength building property of this ingredient.
If you are looking for an inexpensive, yet highly effective testosterone booster, look no further than D-Aspartic Acid. This amino acid has been shown to increase testosterone in men by up to 42%! But how does it work? Studies show that this amino acid can help regulate hormones and help combat conditions like erectile dysfunction. The best part is that not only will your sex life improve but so will your mood and energy levels.
What About Dosage – How Much D Aspartic Acid to Take?
The ideal dosage of D-AA appears to be in the range of 1500mg to 3000mg per day, but will probably depend on the person’s reason for taking it.
We tend to recommend that infertile men and men in a low testosterone state dose in the middle to upper end of that range, while athletes might want to stay at the lower to mid-range.
It looks like prolonged use at high dosages for athletes would cause a kind of feedback loop where the initial testosterone increase reduces to normal levels.
This simply means the athlete can comfortably use around 1500 to 2000mg per day and get the benefits rather than feeling they have to dose higher.
Recommendations to Get The Most Out of D Aspartic Acid
So how is the best way to take D Aspartic acid?
We suggest you take D aspartic acid alongside other testosterone boosters in order to take advantage of its speed of effect.
This way, testosterone levels will spike within the first two weeks, while the slower acting ingredients kick in.
A quality capsule product should contain 1500mg or more, such as the highly rated Prime Male which has won the top place in this year’s product trials.
Scientific Study References
- Gemma D’Aniello et al. D-Aspartate, a Key Element for the Improvement of Sperm Quality. Oct 2012 []
- Topo E et al. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. Oct 2009 []