A weight loss pill that can burn excess body fat, decrease appetite and reduce daily calorie consumption. PhenGold is incredibly popular in Australia. A natural Phentermine alternative that can do everything that Duromine can. So how does Phen Gold work?

Burns fat and suppresses appetite.
Natural ingredients.
Highly reputable company.
No side effects.
Well priced.
3 month money back guarantee.
Does ship to some countries.
cannot purchase in store.
The trending fat burner in Australia and New Zealand. PhenGold is one of the best selling weight loss pills in the US, Canada and the UK.
A well researched and clinically back phentermine alternative that is available to buy online direct from the manufacturer.
A 3 month (100 day) money back guarantee tells you everything you need to know. Manufacturers who do not have confidence in their product do not give a refund length this long!
A multi action weight loss supplement that can burn fat, suppress appetite and reduce calorie intake
What is PhenGold
PhenGold is a multi action weight loss supplement named in a way intended to make it attractive to people who are looking for a natural alternative to Phentermine.
Phentermine is a prescription appetite suppressant. Due to it’s prescription only status, it’s difficult to obtain over the counter in store or online in many countries of the world.
However, Phentermine is a legal prescription weight loss medication in the USA, Canada, and Australia. It’s only available to extremely overweight people, though, so there is a big demand for good alternatives.
The fact that the medication makes some people who use it feel so unwell only increases the demand.
Is PhenGold a better option than Phentermine?
Customer reviews suggest many people find that it is, but that’s not surprising because it does not only suppress appetite. It provides weight loss support in several other areas as well.

Best of all, unless you have an unusually low tolerance for caffeine or are allergic to one of the ingredients, side effects are very unlikely.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking PhenGold is only for people who are trying to escape the side effects caused by prescription medications. It’s an extremely versatile supplement that is suitable for most people who need extra help to lose weight.
Will PhenGold be the best option for you? You will be able to decide that for yourself after you have finished reading this review.
We’ll begin our review by taking a look at the company that manufactures PhenGold. Next, we’ll look at the benefits you can expect.
We’ll also look at the way the supplement supports weight loss, what the ingredients do, and other important factors that will help you decide if PhenGold is right for your needs.
Manufacturer Credibility – Who Makes Phen Gold
PhenGold is manufactured by Swiss Research Labs Limited. It’s a reputable company that only deals with its customers directly. If you want to buy PhenGold, you have to get it via the official website.
Although the name suggests otherwise, Swiss Labs is a British company. It produces several other high-quality supplements and offers its customers a 100-day money-back guarantee. It has distribution units all over the world – PhenGold Australia purchases are overnight.
As far as manufacturer credibility goes, PhenGold has excellent credentials. Moving on, let’s take a look at what the supplement is designed to do.
PhenGold Benefits
- Supports lasting weight loss
- Multi-action formula that enhances your natural fat-burning ability
- Reduces hunger and cravings
- Boosts metabolism and energy
- Enhances mood
- Increases mental focus and concentration

How PhenGold Works
PhenGold is not a miracle weight loss pill. Taking it won’t make you magically become thin. Like any other good diet pill, you need to use PhenGold alongside diet and exercise.
If exercise is difficult for you, PhenGold can help you to lose considerably more weight than you could by using diet alone.
However, you will see even faster results if you use PhenGold with exercise. Keeping active, will also help tone up your muscles and improve your overall health.
When you follow a good weight loss diet, it causes an energy (calorie) shortage in your body. This forces your body to begin burning its fat.
PhenGold makes it easy to maintain the energy shortage necessary for fat burning by controlling hunger and cravings. It also increases the shortage by increasing metabolism so you burn extra calories – even when your body is at rest.
Exercise further increases the energy shortage but some people find it difficult to exercise due to health issues or difficulty finding the time.
If you have either of these problems, don’t worry. It’s possible to lose weight by diet alone and, with PhenGold in your corner, it will be faster and easier to do.
In addition to controlling hunger and boosting metabolism and fat loss, PhenGold also takes the sting out of weight loss by enhancing mood and preventing diet-related fatigue.
Weight loss can be challenging so it’s good that PhenGold provides this level of wide-ranging support.
PhenGold Usage Guidelines & Considerations
If you find it hard to remember to take pills, you will be glad to learn it’s easy to work PhenGold into your normal daily routine. You only need to take it once per day.
The dose is three capsules, taken with water. If you have a hectic lifestyle, it’s probably best to get into the habit of taking the supplement first thing in the morning. However, if you take them before exercise, it can work better still.
Although PhenGold is suitable for most people who need help to lose weight, it’s not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child.
PhenGold provides 225 mg of caffeine per dose. That’s not a great deal but it may still be too much if you normally have a problem tolerating stimulants.
You can get a similar amount of caffeine by drinking a couple of strong cups of coffee. Many people do that at the start of the day and are unlikely to find 225 mg of caffeine is a big deal.
Nevertheless, it would be unwise to take PhenGold alongside tea, coffee, energy drinks, or other sources of caffeine.
If you absolutely love to begin your day with caffeine, it may be a good idea to use a decaf version instead.
Finally, if you have any existing medical issues, such as diabetes or hypertension, it is best to get advice from your doctor before using PhenGold or beginning a weight loss regimen that involves significant changes to your normal diet and level of physical activity.
PhenGold contains 12 active ingredients.
Each 3-capsule dose provides:
- Green Tea (500 mg)
- Caffeine Anhydrous (225 mg)
- Cayenne Pepper (200 mg)
- Rhodiola Root (250 mg)
- Green Coffee Bean Extract (100 mg)
- Niacin (15 mg)
- Vitamin B6 (1.3 mg)
- Vitamin B12 (24 mcg)
- L-Tyrosine (300 mg)
- L-Theanine (250 mg)
- DMAE Bitartrate (150 mg)
- BioPerine (5 mg)
Green Tea
Green tea extracts are one of the most commonly used diet pill ingredients in the world. That’s hardly surprising though. A mountain of evidence shows green tea is a natural fat burner that works.
Green tea provides unique antioxidants known as green tea catechins. As with other antioxidants, green tea catechins are good at purging toxins from the body and supporting good health.
The catechin antioxidants in green tea also boost metabolism. When metabolism is faster energy expenditure increases, even during times of rest.
When you use natural metabolism boosters like green tea alongside low-energy diets, you burn more calories and fat than you could hope to burn with diet and exercise alone.
In addition to speeding up weight loss, green tea also appears to promote good cardiovascular health. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17557985/
Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine anhydrous is a high-potency form of caffeine the body absorbs quickly, allowing the benefits to kick in quite fast.
Like green tea, caffeine is a tremendously popular diet pill ingredient and it’s very versatile.
Caffeine boosts metabolism, helping you to burn extra fat. Research shows even a 100 mg dose may boost energy expenditure by 8 -11 percent. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2912010/
Caffeine further supports weight loss by providing extra energy. Its ability to do this makes it good for preventing diet-related fatigue.
Additionally, caffeine can oil the wheels of weight loss success by taking the edge off hunger, helping you to feel satisfied by smaller portions of food.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne provides an unusual plant chemical called capsaicin. It’s the compound that provides the fruit with its heat.
Members of the capsicum pepper family produce capsaicin to drive away hungry insects.
Research shows capsaicin is also a “hot” property when it comes to weight loss.
The first thing it does is elevate body temperature via thermogenesis. This increases metabolism and weight loss.
Research shows the capsaicin in cayenne also controls hunger. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10743483/
Cayenne is easily one of the best weight loss ingredients available and the 200 mg provided by PhenGold is enough to deliver very impressive results.
Rhodiola Root
Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen herb. Like similar adaptogens, such as ginseng, Rhodiola is good for reducing stress.
Rhodiola is also good for improving physical performance and fighting fatigue.
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Green coffee bean extracts provide chlorogenic acid. It used to have a reputation as a metabolism booster. Unfortunately, its value in this regard is far from clear.
However, green coffee bean is still a very useful ingredient because its ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin makes it good for preventing carb and sugar cravings in between meals.
B Vitamins
PhenGold has three B vitamins in it – Niacin (B3) and vitamins B6, and B12. You’ll find all three in most energy drinks because they help the body extract energy from food.
Although B vitamins benefit the body in numerous ways, including aiding red blood cell production and improving circulation, their main value here probably lies in their ability to reduce fatigue.
L-tyrosine is an amino acid. It serves many roles in the body and is a key player in muscle growth.
L-Tyrosine also boosts dopamine production, helping to reduce anxiety and stress.
L-Theanine is an amino acid that calms the mind without slowing it down. It’s often added to supplements that provide caffeine because it boosts its abilities while also reducing the chances of jitters and similar caffeine-related side effects.
DMAE (Dimethylethanolamine Bitartrate) is a substance that’s naturally occurring in the human body. It’s also present in oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, and tuna.
Supplements that provide DMAE may support improvements in cognitive function and have a favorable influence on mood.
BioPerine is a high potency brand of black pepper extract that’s standardized to be at least 95 percent piperine.
Piperine is the alkaloid that provides black pepper with its unmistakable smell. It has tremendous value as a supplement ingredient because it enhances the absorption of the other ingredients around it.

PhenGold Customer Reviews
Customers who have experience using the product have plenty of good things to say about PhenGold.
In addition to praising the supplement’s ability to support weight loss, reviewers also speak highly of its ability to fight fatigue and hunger.
Known Side Effects
There are no known side effects but PhenGold is not a suitable option for people who are overly sensitive to caffeine.
PhenGold Purchasing Options

PhenGold is only available via the official website. It ships to Australia, New Zealand as well as the UK, USA and Canada.
In addition to functioning as the PhenGold online shop, the site also provides extensive information about the supplement and the things it can do.
Each tub of PhenGold provides 90 capsules. That’s a 30-day treatment.
When you buy a single tub of PhenGold as a one-off purchase, it costs just under $60. That’s not bad at all and there are no additional charges for shipping.
However, it’s possible to get an even better deal by ordering a few extra tubs. If you have quite a lot of weight to lose, this may be the best way to go.
When you buy two tubs of PhenGold, you get a third tub free of charge. That’s the most popular option but it’s also possible to pay for thee tubs and get two more tubs on the house.
Although many dieters may not be obese enough to require a 5-month supply of pills, for those who are, that’s a steal.
Additional Information
Like many of the best diet pills these days, PhenGold is a vegan and vegetarian-friendly weight loss supplement. It’s also non-GMO and free from dairy, gluten, and soy.
In addition to a 100-day money-back guarantee, Swiss Research Labs also offers an excellent level of customer support via email, online chat, and online chat. It also has customer helplines in the US and UK.
PhenGold Review Conclusion – The Bottom Line
PhenGold is a high-quality weight-management product manufactured by a reputable British company that provides an unusually lengthy money-back guarantee.
The formulation is excellent, so it’s not surprising Swiss Research Labs are willing to provide a guarantee that makes it so easy to get your money back.
Customer reviews are excellent too. Bearing in mind the abilities of the key ingredients, that’s not surprising either. It’s hard to fault this product.
When it comes to providing fast and efficient weight loss, it’s also hard to beat it.
After doing a thorough and in-depth evaluation, we are happy to add PhenGold to our list of recommended weight loss products.