SR9009 is a potent fat burning SARM often used in cutting cycles. CUTSR9 is a legal SR9009 Stenabolic alternative than gives comparable fat loss results while be free from side effects. This GGHC CUTSR9 review details how it work, what is it in and where to obtain.

Legal Alternative to SR9009
Quick fat loss results
Boosts stamina and endurance
Oral supplement (no injections)
No stimulants, or chemicals
Availability limited to official website
Doesn’t ship to some countries
If you are on a cutting cycle and using a SARM then it is likely you will using SR9009. CUTSR9 can produce similar cutting results without the side effects often associated with the SAR<
It is available to buy exclusively from the official Brutal Force website. There are special offers and discounts currently in effect.
What is CUTSR9
CUTSR9 is a fat burner and performance enhancer that’s designed to provide maximum benefits and zero side effects. Although it’s primarily aimed at bodybuilders who are “cutting” CUTSR9 may also be appealing to less athletic individuals who are looking for a supplement to help them to burn fat and lose weight.
This review provides details of the benefits CUTSR9 provides, along with a breakdown of the ingredients that make the results possible. It also provides additional information about other important details to help you decide if CUTSR9 is a good fit for your needs.

Who Makes CUTSR9 and What Does It Do?
CUTSR9 is part of a range of SARMs alternatives developed by Brutal Force. The company is based in the UK and the USA and its experience creating safe alternatives to bodybuilding drugs is second to none.
Other supplements that can be used in a SARM cutting stack cycle are: Cardalean, Andalean and Ostabulk
Although a British company, Brutal Force manufacturers its supplements in FDA-certified facilities in the USA.
SARMs are experimental drugs that have become popular with bodybuilders. They are safer than steroids but can still present dangerous side effects.
CUTSR9 is the Brutal Force alternative to Stenabolic (SR9009) and free from side effects.
Stenabolic is a drug that attaches to a protein called Rev-ErbA, enhances its capabilities, and increases mitochondria count.
The drug’s ability to do this results in significant improvements in physical endurance. It also dramatically improves fat loss. CUTSR9 is one of the most popular SARMs for cutting.
CUTSR9 is prohibited from being used in sports. Testing positive for it will earn you a competition ban.
The drug also has a reputation for causing insomnia but it is generally considered safer than most of the other popular bodybuilding SARMs. However, it’s never been fully tested on humans and remains an experimental drug. There is no way to be certain what kind of dangers it’s likely to present.
CUTSR9 is a high-potency fat-burning supplement that mimics the abilities of Stenabolic right across the board, including enhancing your ability to train.
Benefits of CUTSR9
- Fast-acting formula
- Powerful fat burner
- Boosts endurance and stamina
- Stabilizes metabolism
- 100% safe and natural
CUTSR9 Ingredients at a Glance
Each (2-capsule) dose provides:
- ChromeMate (200 mcg)
- Potassium (33 mg)
- Cocoa Powder (100 mg)
- Green Tea (100 mg)
- Evodiamine (50 mg)
- Gugglesterones (2.5 mg)
How Good Is the CUTSR9 Formulation?
The CUTSR9 is very good. The six ingredients it contains have proven capabilities as fat loss providers, performance enhancers, or both.
ChromeMate (200 mcg)
ChromeMate is branded ingredient that provides the body with extra chromium.
Chromium is an important mineral the body requires in adequate amounts to sustain good health. Research shows supplements that provide the body with extra chromium can regulate blood sugar and insulin. By doing so, they can prevent the blood sugar crashes that often trigger sugar cravings. For this reason, many of the best diet pills contain ingredients that provide chromium.
Some data suggests chromium supplements may also suppress normal hunger, boost athletic capabilities, and support improvements in overall body composition, but further research is necessary.
Potassium (33 mg)
Potassium is another mineral the body requires in sufficient amounts and it’s especially important for athletes.
In addition to serving several other important roles, potassium is one of the most important electrolytes in the body. Among other things, it helps regulate blood pressure, aids nerve signaling, supports normal heart function and controls muscle contraction.
Potassium is one of the minerals you can lose from your body with sweat. Bodybuilders and other athletes can lose a lot of potassium in this way, causing all sorts of problems including muscle cramps and fatigue.
Maintaining adequate potassium levels is a good way to support extensive training sessions and prevent post-exercise rhabdomyolysis.
Adequate potassium is also necessary to support the production of human growth hormone (HGH) and IGF-1. Like testosterone, both these hormones play an important role in protein synthesis and muscle growth. [source]
Cocoa Powder (100 mg)
Another good inclusion, cocoa has several virtues that make it useful in a formulation such as this.
Cocoa provides a mild stimulant called theobromine. Caffeine provides a more significant energy boost but theobromine has greater abilities in other areas and is believed to be responsible for the “feel-good” effect of chocolate.
By providing mood enhancement, the theobromine in cocoa may help people to maintain a positive attitude while training.
Theobromine is often present in diet pill formulations because following low-energy diets often gets people down. Many athletes have similar problems during their cutting cycles.
Research published in BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation in August 2021, suggests cocoa flavanols may also be good for enhancing recovery after exercise.
Although the researchers stress the need for further study, cocoa may also help prevent oxidative stress due to exercise.
Green Tea (100 mg)
Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. That makes it very good for purging the body of free radical toxins and preventing oxidative stress.
Although many free radicals enter the body with food, the body also produces them during exercise. The average CUTSR9 user is likely to exercise a lot, so green tea is a very useful inclusion.
However, green tea is also a highly valued fat burner. It’s one of the most respected natural fat burners in the world and there is plenty of scientific evidence that supports using green tea in this way.
Although green tea provides a small amount of caffeine, which is also a proven fat burner, research suggests green tea catechins (antioxidants) play a more important role in the fat losses associated with green tea. [reference]
Evodiamine (50 mg)
Evodiamine is an alkaloid taken from a plant called Evodia rutaecarpa. It’s a powerful fat burner. Its use as a weight loss aid in China stretches back thousands of years.
The alkaloid delivers a warming effect that increases thermogenesis and metabolism. Some research suggests its ability to do this may enhance fat loss by as much as 28%.
In addition to improving fat loss, evodiamine also suppresses the formation of fresh fat cells.
For good results, experts suggest a dose of 5-100 mg of evodiamine per day, so the 50 mg this formulation provides should be about right.
Guggulsterones (2.5 mg)
Guggulsterone is a plant sterol (plant steroid). The form present in supplements generally comes from the gum resin of guggul plants (Commiphora wightii).
Traditional Ayurvedic healers in India have been taking advantage of the therapeutic abilities of guggul extracts for thousands of years. Although its healing potential has yet to be fully explored in the USA and Europe, guggul is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient in sports supplements.
One of the main things guggulsterone does is enhance the uptake of iodine by the thyroid. By doing so, it helps the thyroid to produce “T-hormones.” These hormones have the task of regulating metabolism, helping to keep it fast.
In addition to supporting quick metabolism, guggulsterone also appears to help the body break down fatty tissue and use it for energy.
CUTSR9 Usage Guidelines and Considerations
The dose is two capsules per day. You take them 20 minutes before breakfast regardless of whether it’s a workout day or not.
CUTSR9 is vegan friendly, but people who have existing health issues should check with their doctor before starting to use the supplement. The same is true for all Stenabolic alternatives.
Women can use CUTSR9 as well as men but they should avoid doing so during pregnancy or while nursing a child.
CUTSR9 Side Effects
CUTSR9 does not have any known side effects.
Where to Buy CUTSR9 – Buying Options & Price

Each bottle of CUTSR9 provides a 30-day treatment for $59.99 and has a 100-day money-back guarantee.
That’s already pretty good but you can get even better value by taking advantage of the opportunity to buy two bottles and get one free.
The Brutal Force website also operates regular flash sales. If you get lucky and arrive on the site while one of the sales is running, you will be able to get a further 20% discount just by entering the code that appears at the bottom of the page.
CUTSR9 Review Conclusion
CUTSR9 is a high-potency supplement produced by a respected company that backs it with a lengthy money-back guarantee. If you want to try using CUTSR9 as a Stenabolic alternative, a cutting supplement, or a general weight loss aid, you have nothing to lose. The offer of a refund is there.
Brutal Force SARMs alternatives are very popular. Supplements of this nature don’t become so without good reason. They have to deliver on the promises made for them or people would use bodybuilding SARMs or steroids instead.
Although Stenabolic is generally believed to be one of the safest SARMs to use, it remains an experimental drug and has never been proven safe in clinical trials.
Using Stenabolic for body improvement is also illegal and may cause you to become banned from competitions.
Bearing in mind all the negative aspects, there are strong arguments for avoiding it and using CUTSR9 instead.
After having evaluated the ingredients and all relevant research, we are very impressed with CUTSR9 and recommend it 100%.